The Gavelyte, October 1908

' 'COLLEGE BR~ND" Suits and Raincoat Heaps of Snap and Dash! Prices $12 to $3 l O per cent Discount to Students NESBITT & WEA VE Opp, Court House X6NIH, CLOAKS, SUITS SKIRTS in fine supply. Mentor Underwear, Best goods for money . Holiday Gifts Coming in Pin Cushions, Hand Bags, Belts, Gloves, Laundry Bags, Hose 5up= porters, Ribbons, Belt Buckles, Cuff Links, Fancy Collar Ruffs, etc, Kid Gloves, Silk Gloves. HUTCHISON & 618NEY, N. Detroit-St. Xenia, O. Main-St .• . '