The Gavelyte, October 1908

The Gavelyte. VOL. 111 OCTOBER, 1908. NOS. 7. & 8. College Opening. Tuesday morning, Sept. 15th, was the occasion of the opening of the fifteenth year of Cedarville college, and the chapel and the two adjoining rooms were crowned with the students, old and new, their relatives, and the tried and Joyal frienrls of the college. The exercises were presided over by Dr. McKinney, anrl after the singing of the 100th Psalm by the assembly and~ prayer by Rev. Mills J. Taylor, he introduced in a few pithy remarks Rev. John F. Herget, pastor of the Ninth-st. Baptist church of Cincinnati, the speaker of the day, who addressed us very appropriately on the practi– cal subject "The Power of Habit". He grouped his thoughts, after a few introductory remarks, around three fundamentals necessary to the forma– tion of a strong character-(}) we go to school to learn how to think; (2) to learn how to observe; G~) to learn hr,w to apply what we learn. S0me habits, vital to the u_pbuilding of character, are these: (1) Obedience; (2) work; (3) system; (4) self control; (5) decision; (6) indPpendence in thought _ anrl action. Coming at such a time as a . college opening, when many are for the first time entering a college life, and many of the older Rtudents have vowed themselves to more concentrated work, no more fitting theme could have possibly been found for the occasion, and Rev. Herget certainly possesses the hearty t~anks of our student body, of the Faculty and of all - · our kind friends for the uplifting influence he has brought into the college thus early in the year. We can't forget that quartette of kind men, Messrs. G. F. Seigler, Geo. H. Creswell, Rev..I. W. SanderRon and J.M. Milligan, of Kl\nsas, who sang, very touchingly, those sweet tunes, "Bonnie Annie Lanrie" and "Rochd in the Crarllr of the T)pep".