The Gavelyte, October 1908
120 TU I•~ (}A V8LYTE, ----------·---------------------- I ATHLETICS. of last year'~ team. The playing was confined to one l'lnd of the field the ' Well. we've begun th"' year with ball never going beyond the 55 yard rno:-;t favorable prospects. Our foot- I mark, but there was some mighty ball squad, under our efficient mana- i strong defence work put up by both ger, "Pop" Waide, and the l'qually I sides as each team had t~e ball wiLh– cnpable captain, K. Williamson, ba8 1 in a foot of the mark, but the backs s1arted out the season's work with I were not equal to the occasiun and the "do or die" spirit, and it suteJy \ :~~ opposing taam. ~icked to safety. luolrn as though they can do. Our I Aside from the bnll1ant work of the boys have been strengthened by the !H. S. men, special credit is due to arldition of the star H. S. quarter I "Dude" Harbison for his grand work back, Clemans, and full back, Turn- at center; to Gowdy Williamson, for bull. The team averages 160 pounds, I his frequent tackling of the rqnner perhaps higher than it has for some with no one but himself between the years. FurthPrmore, through thtJ ef- runner and the goal; and to Foster forts of the mana2;er, the college au- McMillan for his b~ady running back thorities have very generouBly pro- of punts. The boys lined up as fol– vided eleven new foot ball suits so lows; Begg, l. e.; G-:.W.illiamson, I. t.; that now our, bo_ys c:an go out upon IR Hill, ,I. g.; H. Harbison~ c.; Linton, the fields at Springfield and at Day- Ir. g .; Creswell, r. t.; Fields, r. e.; ton somewhat improved in appear- 1 1 Clemans) q.. b.; McMillan, 1. h. b.; K. ance, and bearing Jess resemblance to Williamson, capt. and r. h. b.; Tur~- hoboes ang rag-a-muffins. Many bull, f. b. thanks for the Pncourage111eril ! Man- OTE:--The basket ball manager is ager Waide has arranged these games I hustling on his schedule, and he pre– for OctobPr: Oct. 10, Nelson's at Ced- I diets a banner year for our college arville;, l_,7th, ~· C.. ~~ .Wittenberg; 1 1 five. 24th, C. ( .. at t. Ma1y s, 31st, C. C. at Nelson's. Negotiations for games i Chapel Talks. are pending with Lebanon and XPnia, I and it is hopPd that each week will I<,ev. W. ,J. McKnight, of Syracus-e, be filled until Thank~giving. The '1 in a few words, addressed us upon an– team played i1~ fir~t game with Wit- other timely _topic, "Opportunity".. t!:'nberg, Sept. 26th, and t lit'ir play- , His talk was embellished with stories, ing waH sun,Jy a r evelarinn after th;1t. 1 st riking and humorous, which drove I
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