The Gavelyte, October 1909

CRDARVILLE COLLEGE. 133 am ." The boy was stammering in an embarrased way. ''I had no business to fly off the harrdle that way, and when I found you were gone and I couldn't tell you, I thought-" "Never mind," the girl broke in with a little laugh. "It was my fault, too. I lost my temper worse than you did. But when you began to say things about my future brother-in-law-" "Your what?" It was the boy's turn to break in now. ''You mean– Oh, what a fool I've been,'' and the girl joined in the merry laugh. "Se<', the rain is over," she said after a moment. "We can go now." "Do you know how I came to come over here?" Demanded the boy. ''I s~w the end of rainbow and came to get the pot of gold." "And you only found me again," laughed the girl. "Poor boy, you've lost your pot of gold." She was looking toward the setting sun whose _ level rays fell far ac1oss the meadow. The boy looked down at the bright head beside him and murmured with a queer little catch in his voice, "My pot of gold." Then side by side the t,ro started aeroEs the wet fields through the sunsPt light towarc!s homP. I had bought at a bargain and was Prof. Palmer Makes taking home to keep him anrl hiR Fine Touchdown. I "wife" fr:om starvation over Sabbath. I He proved equal to the occasion, Saturday evening Prof. Palmer however, and calle<l to his assistancP, was hiking down the line . with the I Profs. Smith and Allen, Miss Allen pigskin under his arm. No one was and .\foGaffick, who, in the absence of at all near him. The chances were Prof. and Mrs. McChesney, proceeded fine. But just as he was about to to their house, where the "pigskin," rush across the goal for a touchdown, split into digestible slices, was uti– the pigskin slipped from his grasp I lized in making five touchdowns. and fell. Then he "came to" and - · found himself in front of Mrs Gray's I Who said Prof. Allen didn't likP to mansion and the pigskin that he had I play Pig in the Parlor? You ought b~en so jeal~usly hugging wa::-. on the I to ask him why he hurrie_d back to sidewalk spht from end to end. It , the gym, water melon night, after war-- a big, long watermelon that hP j taking his sister home.