The Gavelyte, October 1909
134 TH(ij GA VELY'l'E, I ohe GA V ~ LY TE, I Arbitration, for the best essay on In- P l' B1.rsnEn nY TH}, I ternational Arbitration, by a.n under- STUDENTS OFCEDARVILLECOLLEOE. graduate s.tude~t of an .Ar_nencan ?ol– lege or umvers1ty. This 1s a subJect A MONTHLY PUBLICATION of ever increasing popularity, anrl we Entererl a ' econd Cl ~ss Mail Matter, in the Sincerely hope that some of our stud- Post Offieeat Cedarvill e, Ohi o, January Hl, 1906. t 'II ·1 th J f th --------·------- I en s w1 ava1 emse ves o e op- Ecti to r i n C hi e f _ EDWARD SHA\Y , -10 portunity thus presented and honor .\s,-;ociate E<lito r \\'. P. HARRDIAN , ·11 their Alma Mater by representing her J,ite rnry Editor . )fl SS JEANNETTE ORR, ·09 · th' t t \ MI SS AD.\ ALLEN , ·10 Ill IS coo es · i;oc- iety E rli tor,: · I EARL?\IeCLELLAK, '11! .\ t h le tie Erl ito r CHARLES YOHO , ·1:J \ )fl S GRA CE BEl)KLEY , '12 We hope that those to whom this Loca l E rl i to r:- WENDELL FOSTER, ·12 I How ARD .ucnAFFI CK, 'la I first issue comes will look upon it .Uumn i l<~rlitor . )fl SC. .\DR_RJ.IBERl~IIG HNAE;l·,,:111H11 1l with a great deal of charity. le, i~ Rn:- i ne,: · )J g r . " 1 s. F. CRESWELL. · 10 onr first attempt and has fallen be– A ,;,-;t. Rn ,-; in e,:,-; )(;.!r:-. · IDE\\"f~;,:l\cik1t~~.·g I 1ow our ideals somewhat, especially -------- - ------1 in respect to the edito.rial,,. The For the last two years this paper j story "The Gall of the - Woods," two has been edited by one uf the most chap~t>rs of which appear in this issue, tireless workers for the good of Ced- I will continue for three more issues. It ~rville College. Mach as we regret 1 , is our intention to have a short story the departure of the rest of the Class in each issue besides the regular de– of '09, the Gavelyte staff will miss, j partments. This year we are going most of all, his presence and the in- , tn keep this paper on the sound finan– spiration of his zeal. At a time when I eial basis upon which it now rests. others desp~ired and the future looked I If anyone of our subscribers is dis– black, he went s teadily on and has I satisfied with the scope of the paper left the paper on a sound financial I Jet him remember that that is entire– basis. Th.e g; ood wi heR of the staff, l 11y dependent upern him. The paper of the student body, and of the facul- will be what the subscribers make it. ty are with him in his preparation for With their llelp we can make the - hi s life work. Gavelyte a truly representative med- I ium of the college. But without their We wish to call attention to the !help we can but do our duty and give prize of $100, offer ed by the Lake / them what they deserve. The spirit Mohonk Conference on International J of the membt>rs -of the student body
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