The Gavelyte, October 1909
CEDARVILLE COLLEGE. 135 both old and new has been referred I Prof. Morgan is also a graduate of to in a previous article. Let ns hope Wooster, in the class of 1893, and only that it will be manifested to the holds an A. M. degree from the same samf' or even a greater degree to- institu~ion. The earlier part of his wards the college j)Ublication that it I college work was done at Ohio has been shown along other lines of I Wesleyan University at Delaware. college work. After these few WQrds I Since his graduation, he has been of explanation of our position we be-I engaged in aca<l13mic, normal and lieve that everyon·e will co-operate I collegiate work in various institutiuns wi1 h us to make this the banner year Jin the :State, coming to Cedarville both for the Gavelyte and for Cedar- I from Canfield college. He is there- ville College. I fore a teacher of ripe experience. Both of the new professors are Our N ew Professors valuable additions to the teaching force of the college, and are giving Two new members have this year increased power and efficiency to the been added to the faculty, Alanson faculty in putting into operation the L. Palm8r, Jr., who bf::'comes profes- new courses of study. sor of atural Science and director of Athletic,.i, and P. Schuyler Morgan, The following story was told by who uecomeB professor of Mathe- Mr. Linton at the club one evening: matic::. "Dr. McKinney found a piece of to- 1 Prof Palmer comes from the Uni- i bacco in the basement and asked T. versity of Wooster, where he gradu- j V. Iliffe if he knew to whom it he– ated last .June with the dBgree of I longed. When Mr. Iliffe said he did Bachelor of Science. He ranked I not, Dr. McKinney said, 'well then, I - high in scholarship throughout his I think I'll just keep it myself'." college course, and was prominent I I in all student activitie8 at Wooster, I . Prof. McChesney atten?ed the na- especic11ly in Athletics, being a foot t1onal Y. P. C. U. convent10n at Mon– ball player of note and center on last I mouth and on Sabbath evening, Oct. - ·year'8 basket ball team which won j 3rd, delivered an address on the sub- the state chamµionship He al.:30 has I ject "Elements of Power." co:1sideralJle ability in orat:>ry and ! elocution. having won a numuer of l Of all sad words of pen or vocal. contrsts at Wno. tPr. I Thr saddest arr thesr: I H i\D n local.
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