The Gavelyte, October 1909

The Gavelyte. VOL. IV. OCTOBER 1909. The Call of The Woods. ' (BY WE DELL FOSTER.) Chapter I. ROY WINS HIS OWN GAME. NOS. 7 & 8. Caswil.:k tooK his place at the head of the trarnrng taule at Ashland University and gave the base ball nine their in stnH.:tions for the night. The nf>xt afternoon they wPre to mrP t Rock land on the home field and a close game was exµected as Rockland had won the previtJus year by a score of two to une. A' Caswick looked over his men he gave adv ice to each one in regard to his weak place and fini 'hed his rennrks by stating that he had chornn Roy and Connel as batteries for the final game. This delighted every one except McNeil who had pitched the closing game for th varsity for two yea rs and was anxious to take revenge for the defeat of the year before. Be ides, he disliked R0y and as he Leard Caswick's decision he muttered to himself. "As u ual Roy has to butt in . I know Beth thinks mure of him than she - doP. uf me and now he will pitch tomorrow and win. Just his luck--and mine" The morning of .June t!Jird dawned clear and cool but about the school THPvailed a spirit of restles ness and when the batteries appeared on the Lulletin board the unea iness was not relieved. Although Roy had made good this year a d had v. on c1ll his games, Mc eil was the old varsity star and this year the chamµion hip of t.he two rival schools was hanging in the balance and the winning of that dc1y'H game meant much to Ashland. By two o'cloc.:I, 1 lw grand stand was overflowing with tudent~. The