The Gavelyte, October 1909

CEDARVILLE COLLEGE. 127 tell you i · because he is poor and considers himself he luw you in social standing. You will have to dPcide for yourself. If yuu mar ry McNeil you will have all the money you want but I cannot believe he really loves you and I know he has a dreadful temper. Put Mc eil off for a year and give Will a chance to get a start and hP may tell you what you want to hPa r and things will look differently from the way they do now." (Another instc.1 l!ment of tlfis story will appear next month.) ohe Secret of a Happy College Year. W. R. M'CHE NEY . The ~·pirit in Cedarville Collt>ge is fine. The students are devoted to the College. They believe in it and they work fur it. They are loyal to ' the faculty and work for them . They are proud of the ir literary societies and are planning greater things for them. They are interested in Y. M·. und Y. W. C. A. work and are making a succes of both a sociations Near– ly all of lac:;t year':, . tudent::; have returned and their beaming facPs and thPnful hPart seem to s· y '·we shall make this the best year of all'' . Amen, 'O let it b.-. The new stndents represent different parts of the coun– try and the common remark is "we have a fine crowd uf new men and wom– en." Old and nrw students have joined hands to make this the best year. Of course, we miss the graduated class, '09. But we are to be congratnlat– Pd that one of them remain as an instructor and to take the new A. M. course and at the same time _se rve as a connecting link with the pa t. Ced– arville College has its large t and richest andowment in its faithful, devoted :tudents and alumni. Then, too, we shall mi:,s those who formerly were closely associatecl ~ith us in the faculty. But our loss is their gain and we rejoice in that; and we are cheered that they think of us and are working as opportunity otfers for the good of Cedarville College. We welcome gladly the new mem– J,ers of the faculty and they are taking hold of the work with that energy and .'pirit which make for success. The former members welcome one an– other. A new era has dawned uµon the College and its motto is "Co-opera– tion and Progres ." Brighter day:, are herti. The College ha a name and a plaC'P, and is 110w among the young giants of higher education. Everyon<>