The Gavelyte, October 1910

I; 1111: ;\ LI, It. LLJM I N(ffE ,. i\li •:,; Lnui;;' ~milh, ·n • Pnl •rtairwd I l r. ,lo(' fi'i111wy 1s tudy111g ltl\V in o. a number of young ladies al h r horn(' 8. . at (' ,lumliu., :1n I hiH hrn ~wr, in (\ 1larvill '. : 'Jll mb 'l' 2!Hh, at,, h1eh I Ir. .John l• inn y, who Sll" ·, fully the 0 ngag,m1:nl of [ 1H, •crn, young sL pa g,-r( th• :t l • 1 •di('·d 1•x,1mi ,1ti n 1laughler of lr. and Mn,. D. {'. Ervin, , la. L summ •1·, i. now I, ·hind lh, •ount•·l' to i\Ir. 'arl larshall, deputy cl rk of al "Pinn y\:,". 1· ~rts of_Gr'enc 'ounty W'lS announcer!. The alumni of th coll ·gr~ m:iy wPII ~11-s Ervin and Mr. Marshall ar both he proud of the spirit which th< ir memb _1.. of the. clas '07, and thei~ lit rary soci ties arc manifesting R > large circle of friends among the alumm I arly in the year 1910 and 1911. Both and fori:ner student j~in in noth~ng hut I hav start d into th ir work with a rl - well wishes for then- prospenty and I termination to do their h st. The old happine · Inter-society cont sts have hecn r - A little daughter, who arrived at the ne, ed and there is much plea::sant ~nd home of Mr. and Mr~. W. R. Graham I friendly rivalry between the member of Yellow prings, September 21, has of t:1e two societies which promises been christened Mi Gretchec1. 1 good work for the ensuing year. Rev. and Mrs. C. A. Young, of Phila- Mr. Gowdy Williamson, '07, bas delphia are the happy parents of a en~ered Harvard University, Cam- little daughter, born Sept. 19th. I bridge. Ml'ls · Rev. Wallace Iliffe and family spent Mi~s ~artha Knott, '09, of Spring- part of their vacation in Duanesburg, ' field, Ohio, sp_ent the lat~er part of . Y., where Rev. Iliffe was formerly Septemb~1· with her friend, Mrs. located. Florence Russel Leathurby, '08, at their summer cottage in Epworth Heights. Rev. W. A. Pollock was a visitor during the chapel hour at the college, October 6. He conducted devotional Mr. Charles Baskin, '07, left Cedar- exercises and gave en interesting and ville Tue~day morn_ing, O~t?ber 4th, to helpful heart-to-heart talk on the word , resume h_is _work m med1cme at Ann . Arbor M1ch1gan. of God, urgmg each student to study it, not because he had to, but because I The alun:ini editor ~vould very. grate– he loved the Book. 'The college stud- i fully receive any items of interest ents are always glad to welcome mem- 1 from members of the alumni of Cedar– bers of the alumni who hav~ done j ville College. It will not only help to omething, and wish their visits might I make the college paper more interest– be more frequent back to their college I ing but it will enable you to keep in "home" at Cedarville. - I touch with each other. Let us respond!