The Gavelyte, October 1910
CEDA it VILLB CULLBGE. ] .J 5 ----~--- -- --- - ~-.,-- Current Events. j majority. M;ine went Democratic for PROF. F. A. JURKAT, A. M., i the first time in thirty years. Georgia I reversed her verdict of two years ago, The dispute between the United I and Hoke S~ith carried every county. S t t " and England regarding the New- T~e _ReI;ubhcans have~ good chance to a e., wm m 'l ennessee. foundland and Canada fisheries, which ---o-- has been hanging fire for the last Last week a revolution in Portugal hundred years and more, has at length I overthrew the kingdom and established been se~tled _by the Intern~tional Court a republic. The news reports state f Arbitration. The Umted States that the revolution was carried out ac– gains five points in the decision and I cording to a well-organized plan, and England two. those who were hopefully looking - --o- - - I forward to a time of disorder when Colonel Roosevelt finished his tour they could loot prosperity and play thru the West in time to attend the havoc generally were severely dis– New York Republican State Con-, apI?ointed. The ca~ses of the r evo- . . . lut10n have been the rntense poverty of vention and crush all opp~sit10n. ~e the masses, aggravated by unjust dis- was chosen temporary ch airman with, tribution of. the burden of taxation, power to appoint all committees, as I and ~y a wasteful expenditure of the ainst the suggestion of the State Ex- I pu~hcfunds; second!y, the C?ntemptuous ag . . 1 attitude of the nstocratic and royal ecutive Comm1tte, which had named party toward the request of the masses Vice-President Sherman for the posi- for more voice . in the government. tion. Henry L. Stimson, Roosevelt's j Sp~in will likely travel the same road candidate, was nominated for governor, i veiy soon. ___ 0 _ _ and ncne tut Roosevelt men were put 1 1 Those who are interested in Spiritual– on l!Uard. The Democrats have not ism will be glad to learn that a mes– elected a governor in New York for I sage has bee!1 . received from . the late . . . I Professor Wilham James, statrng that nmeteen years. Their conventi?n at he has much to learn yet, and that he is Rochester was completely dommated j having some trouble adjusting himself by Charles Murphy, the Tamm2.ny I to new conditions. leader; hence the popular cry to nomi- D . h - 1 t fo--- k · h. • . - h d d d h urmg t e as ew wee s, airs ips _nate Gaynor wa_s un ee e , an t e have proven safer means of locomotion Democrats have likely thrown away a than interurban street-cars. Several good chance to win an election. John tra~ic collisions. taken A. Dix who secured the nomination, is Indiana _and Illmois, .the death-l~st ' . aggregatmg one hundred. Meanwhile persondly beyond reproach, but is aeroplanes are soaring from Chicago to handicapped by Tammany's support, New York and back with great ease -which will l~se him the support of I and velocity. ___ o- Hearst and his followers. The Chicago Nationals and the Phila- - -;-o-- · I delphia Americans have won the pen- The arly elections in several states nan ts in their respective leagues, and have proven a surprise. Vermont II will no':"' fig~t it out for the World's went Republican by a greatly reduced I Champ10nsh1p.
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