The Gavelyte, October 1910
1·111~ :\\~:, , l'Ji,, OC, L 'W • • ·'· I .. • \\ lwn Bobb) l> 0 an thinks th 'I"\' i:-i al' Is Yoho :-ilill chm1ing dm1k1 •s with th, disturbance chang"'? llnppy Thought ake sonw anti- Raymond Bull Hay:-i. "ThPn• musL h, pt.:'ssun ism. :-iomP mistak<·. " our mon y 1 • nick: In Phy:;i ·s I>ynami <· subscribers' I blcws a hole up in th air. \ t' don' l hav ' Lo worry is safe in the <lelinquent pockets. Prof. Lanning learn cl the oLhPr night '1innie haw and Mary Ell n Lownes I that w?en he got tired landing up he think they can get the best ladie ' could 1t clown. handkerchiefs at the Home lothing I Prof. L.: Miss Morton, what hi tore. spontaneous combustion. Prof. {to bright pupil) :- What do I Grace: It's fir br aking out wh 'n hydrogen and oxygen form when they you're not looking for it. unite? I Freshman: - My hand where I B. P.:- Watermelon. j scratched it is a little smart. h I Soph:-Go scratch your head! Snic in German :- I cannot get t ose personal pronouns straight. Miss Blanche Turnbull was to . trans- Miss Smith:- Why you would never I late sentence No. 4 Wann war das? ay dear (dir) when speaking of her She cleared her throat and Prof. Jurkat would you? I said next No. 5. Prof. McChesney, in Bible:- Did "Mythology states that when Dan Methusaleh die before the flood or Cupid casts his darts the victim is un– after? able to think of anything except his Bertha A :- I believe it was a few I lady love. Something of the kind y~ars after. I must have troubled the latin professor, the d::ty following the gym spread, as he Prof. McChesney, in Psyc, :-You I called every one in the class Miss Orr can win over any dog if you work long I and was so taken up with his thots he enough. I completely lost his place in the lesson Phil:- Yes, and he might be working until brot back to earth by the laughter on you all the time, too. of the class.'' Hy. PEC Hats andNlen's Wear .::, , Springfield, Ohio. •
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