The Gavelyte, October 1911

I .- ' ' rHt GAV LYT , VEL'¥'TE, 1'11111 Hill II \ 111 1'. STUDENTS OF CEDARVILLE COLLEOE. d·1rvill hi .\ ~t()NTHLY PAPER ~:n ,,,,.,,,1 "' •,.,,,. nit l ' l 1•~ \1 1111 ;\l 111 1t•r, In the I' osl 1111\,•,•,tl l't·dl\l'\ 1111', Clhln,.Jonu11 ry Jll, lll<lll. .\ II ,·11r11•,pn111lt>n1·1• •l111ultl lit' 1uldrP>1Hrrl t o "'1'111' 1: \\ f,I \ ni " Olllt•c• OIi,. \l nln ~• .. < NllH \ I lie•, Oltie1. '-11h~1·rlJJrln11 R11tP ; :><· JlPI' ypa r. ln~lP ( 'oplt•,i t1l(•, Ell l'l'O H 1.U , ST \ l•'I'. w. P II ..\R Rl;'II..\ ' l:! Edito r In (1h1ef of th" t•nt in • '4 t11d P t1 hod . I, t thi piril conti m11•, ro r it tnP ns n bigge r nncl lwt •r ; •rl rvilll'. 1 In a r c nt i ue of thfl "Unil"d 1 Pr sbytcrinn" ther • wa1-1 a c 11 mnd(• for money fo r th r ndowm nt of t wo of that denomin a ti ons, coll •g R, Mus– kingum and W Rtmins ter, the amounts a k d w r 2F.O,O O and 20 ,000 dollars respectively fo r th abov •choolR. We wonder why thP church th at founded our own colleg does not get busy along this line. Surely edar- 110\\'ARO )l 0tl A~'F IC' K , · 1:.1 As oc late E cllto r ville Colleie is as needy and we all \I' E. DELL FO. ·rim , ·vi, · · Lltf'rary lt or know that she is as worthy of one sup- R~: R'l'H A . TO R:\I ONT . 'JJ, , Alumni Ed itor \\ 1L HE )ll ' A )lI'l' RAY, 'J:! / s oci e ty port as the fore-named instituti ons, JLA R .Ol SEY, '12, I E di to r . d , , t od d · FR..\_ C I • ) ll TH , 'lJ .... , . Loco l Edit o r . an 1t 1s no a very go a vert1se- Rll I E TAFF . ment for one denomination to let the E R ' E '1' FOSTE R, ' HI, Bus. ;'II gr. and Treasure r one college that we have remain E .\RL )l ('('LELLAN, 'l!l, ..... A!!~t . :llanage r l'AUL R A) I E Y, '15, ....... )failing Clerk lf we consider the past month as a forecast of the entire college year, we are compelled to believe that this will be the best year that Cedarville has dwarfed because of our lack of interest and support. Think over it, pray over it, and if you are asked for money for this worthy cause, GIVE IT. WANTED - Goon HOUSEKEEPING seen since the institution was es- MAGAZINE requires the service of a tablished some seventeen years .ago. representative in Cedarville to look On the athletic field and in the class after subscription renewals and to ex– room, in the literary meetings and in· tend circulation by special methods the more solemn services of the Y. W. wbioh have proved unusually suc<!ess– and Y. M. C. A., there is to be seen a ful. Salary and commission. Previous marked spirit of determination, and experience desirable, but not essential. · unanimity which, during the coming Whole time or spare time. Address, months, will not only result in games with references, J. F. Fairbanks, Good won and perfect lessons, but will also Housekeeping Magazine, 381 Fourth make f or the welfare and uplift of the Ave., -New York City.