The Gavelyte, October 1911
CEDAKVILLE OOLLEGE. 1 Recipr0city Cready the reason ·fo·r your appearalice here this afternoott. ', Continued from page 186 The boys shivered !and Ward .glanced edge: Finally, some scraps of a conver- at the profess~r. He wits sitting in his satiori beard in the hlill of· the ctub af- accustomed ·place at the faculty table , • 1 • • i~ly drawingJ>.attern~ on it ~)th hi~ ter bteakfast ·that 'thorrt1hg gamed a p~ncil attd lookihg abstractedt tHrou ' h new significance' in the light of this the open wfnctow' across the c{mpus. g facul(y summons. The abstraction I The president went on steadily -''Y f 'b f 1 ' was all gone now. So was the home- our pro essor as been ta l<ing quite sickness. The boyish' lo've of a joke eloquently for the last quarter of an was back with a wish to checkmate the hour and has finally brought us around plotting sinners. 1 to. his w~y of thinking. The college It was not hard to interpet glances' will furnish new foot ball isuits and passing back and ·forth m; supper that looks to you to sh~w your gra~itude to night, nor to understand veiled illusions us by producing a team of which we or innocent questions. Neither was it can be proud. I will see about the mat– very difficult to call up the schemers, ter at once. Yo? may go, gentlemen." who, with one exception, were team men, . Dazed the boys rose and murmuring imitate the dean'a gruff tones and ask m turn "Tha!1k you,. sir." They filed h h out. Evans, the editor turned at the t em. to ·appear at t e regular · faculty door a~d looked back at the professor. meeting the next afterno?n at three to I The _profe~sor returned the glance and, account for some pranks m connection tell it not 1n G~th, actually winked sol– with one of the faculty. It was still em~ly. Then he called out as though . . . struck by a sudden thouP-ht "Say b easier to excuse himself to his pretty the way Evans the subci 't f ' y . . , , Jee or my ar- partner for bemg a httle late and go to ticle is Reciprocity." the party with an innocent face but a twinkle in his eye. There was much perturbation among 1 , the team men next day. Two of the number summoned to appear .before the I faculty were old offenders and had been I warned that another offense meant ex– pulsion. Suspension meant the loss of next day's game. So it was with gloomy faces that the little band tapped l1 at the door of the faculty room in the afternoon. The president waved them . to seats and turned to Ward, the cap– tain of the team. "Mr. Ward," he said quietly, "I have I already learned from Professor Mc- I CLIFTON, BEDFORD c;:·;~wARROW 9V:,otch COLLARS · He., I fcr,ue. . Clu~~ Peabod~ ~ .Cp..Muer,
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