The Gavelyte, October 1911

I I I rn 1: 1• , 1,· ,.; 1,, n. P!IILOROP!II . r<'ndru,rl p•·ngrarn ,.::•!'l <·njr,~ c·d by th(' The rec ption given for the new mt mhers of hoth sociPliPi; and a good– students, faculty and alumni by the y numb r of vi itorH. A elev r lit tie Philosophic 'ociety on September 22, play, "A Box of Monkeys" was given wa a most enjoyabl affair, this an<l proved quite a success. Let us be opinion being voiced and evidenced by all present. The society is most faithful in word and example anrl happy over the crowd of new students make this year of our society the very who have joined our ranks, and indeed ' best y t. PHILO O lETY. the record of the society this year 1 bids fair to rival that of many preceed- : ing years. Several new rules have I The evening of Sept. 29, 1911, will been established- that of ha, ing meet- I long be cherished in the memories of ings on alternate Monday night~, more I all who, on that occasion, attended the credits being given for prompt at- annual reception of Philo Literary So– t ,mdance, with the added requirement ciety given in honor of our new stu– that all remain to the end of the meet- dents. ing, a rule which will do away with Philo Hall bad b~en tastefully deco– many former evils. The contestants rated with beautiful ferns and potted for the inter-society contest, to be held in I plants and never did it present a more December, were elected by the society I splendid appearance than when the at the last business meeting. The pre- doors were opened to extend a hearty liminary oratorical contest will be held in welcorr.e to our guests. November and as many as possible are During the first part of the evening, urged to enter this contest. You music was furnished by Mr. Fred Bird, an alumnus of the society. Following never know what you can do till you try. The first meeting of the societies was held jointly on Oct. 3. The well this, a contest, "What relation :.ire they to you,'' was engaged in with a great deal of pleasure to all. Red and