The Gavelyte, October 1911

C~U.ARVILLE COLLEGE. H)4 I the pretensions of Russia so strongly are only the summit of horrors. High that Rus..,i t withdrew from the Triple / taxes and robbery by officials, un– Alliance and joined France. In 1881, I punished assaults and destruction of France, which had held Algeria as a property make a comitant horror, province for forty years, also seized especially to Christians. The v:.wious Tunis, a Turkish possession on which Russo-Turkish wars of the last two Italy had set her eye. This so offendod centuries have had this as their under– Italy that she withdrew from her lying cause, and have resulted in the Freneh alliance and joined Germany freedom of the Christian population of and Austria, thus forming the Triple I ~mania, Servia, Bulgaria, Monte– Alliance of the present day. Italy has I negro, and Greece, and the absorption viewed the French possession of Tunis j of Bosnia and Herzegovina by Christian with the same alarm that Japan Austria. Turkish misrule in Egypt had viewed the prospective occupation of r educed the population of that conntry Korea by Russia in 1904. Japan fought in 1800 to two and a half millions, but as for her life to prevent that con- under English administration it has in– summation, but Italy did not ~ght I creased to nine millions in 1900. It is France for Tunis. Instead, she has l fair to expect that, under the Italians, now followed Gambetta's advice made Tripoli will again blossom as the rose, in 1881, and taken the next best thing, las it did in the age of the Antonines. and in fact a Robson's Choice. I One result will be that the great The specific reason given for the I African trade-route from the inland Italian occupation has been the 1 1 will be re-astablished for those goods flagrant disregard of the rights of which are now being diverted to the Italian citizens living in Tripoli. 1 mouths of the Nile and the Niger, the Aside from this, Italy appears as the J Tripoli route being the shorter. Two– champion of civilization againts Turkish fifths of the soil is cultivable, an area tryanny and misrules, much as the i larger than Germany. United States appeared in 1898 in the The voice of dissent has been raised case of Cuba. that the manner of the Italian occu- We canuot take the spac~ here to re- pation violates the eighth command– late in detail the horrors which those ment. The application is as unfortu– countries have had to endure which J nate as if one should apply it to the have had the misfortune to live under I judge who takes away an ill-treated Turkish rule for the past five hundred child from hard-hearted parents and years. Missionaries and travelers J places it in a comfortable home or in a have related in lectures and books both h f f Th · ·i· d t· , ouse o re uge. e c1v1 1ze na 10ns the specific instances and the general 1 state of affairs. Cruelty and rapacity of the world must care for the un- are the .order of the day. The fortunate as one of their internatiodal Armenian massacres and the Bulgarian duties. If Italy betrays her trust, an atrocities are cases in point, but they avenger will come.