The Gavelyte, October 1912
The Gavelyte VOL. VII. OCTOBER, 1912 . NO. 7. The Source of Successful Men-- The Small College~ By Guy Morrison Walker. A recent examination of the mem- second fifty-three and the third forty– bership of a college organization hav- four, while their percentages of s uc– ing over ten thousand members, drawn cess were respectively, seventeen, from over sixty coll eges and univer- thirteen and eleven. sities disclosed some .striking facts Out of the first dozen on the list, regarding the success attained by men ten were small church colleges, and from different colleges, and some lim- only two were State universities, the itations upon success peculiar to some University of Virginia being fourth on professions. A table was prepared tb e Ji<,t and Indiana University being showing the total number of mem- ninth. Both of these institutions, how– bers drawn from each college, and the ever, have had, during most of their number from each college who, ac- existence, a comparatively small at– cording to popular judgment had tendance, and have really been col– achieved ,success. The list of col- leges of extremely high rank, instead leges was then arranged in order ac- of universities. The other places were r-ording to the number of successful held as follows: F ifth, Washington men that each had contributed to the and J fffe r son College; sixth, Buck– organization, and the first striking nell University; ,seventh, Dickinson thing seen from the list was the fact C'olleg ; eigb th, orthwestern Univer– that the three colleges at the head of s it y; tenth, Wittenberg College; the list which had the largest num- eleventh, George ·w::1!?hington Univer– ber of successful members were De sity, D. C'.; twelfth, Lafayette Col– Pauw l'niversity, Ohio Wesleyan Uni. lege. versity, and Allegheny College, eacl, The first large univers ity in the of them comparatively small Methodist li st was the l nive rsity of P ennsyl– eollr>ges in the middle West. The fir st vania in the thirteenth place, which, c·ont1iuut d seventy-one s ue essful out of a rn mbership of 270, had con– mernb<"rs to the organization, the tributPcl twenty memb rs, or about
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