The Gavelyte, October 1913

CEDARVILLE COLLEGE 11 "To be hones,t w:i'tJh ,othe11s, you mus,t first 1be 1honest with yourself. ' Miss R. in Eng'Lis•h 'C[as,s1---,Uilk 1 e whiat ,part of '1:Jhe ,a,p,p,ar e,l itod-ay was the doublet'! Bil'l H.-Shirt •comes· ,ne-aresit lo i!t, do 1 e-s'l1't it? Fred T. (translati'llg <Gerr.)-!I can 1it als•o not. Cairn . (just ·be.fo1re Geriman)-Give me a pieice of fu•dge, one of you girls. Paul T.-There's a W'ho•le chaJirfuU of fud 1ge over there. Miss GJa,dys, ·wildman, •on 1 her way it·o Eairih1rum College, visited the college oin•ay, S•eptember 25. Some of the dotrne,1tic s0ie•n.rce gH.rls would like t,o ·h1ave 1 0a1·ey Ritcn1ie in their class. All students in Clifton anld v,icinity wiiill ·be, g[ad w·hen the· nerw road is finally opened mp 1and traffic resumed. It has caus,ed no littae inconvenience and ex•tra mil,e,aige. "The eleva,tor to success is not runn'in,g. ·Take the etairs." COLLEGE ATHLETIC NOTES Basket B,a 11. Cedarvilile ,c0He 1 ge opened 1Sep,t. 10th, and om,e of bhe firsit things in w'hich our stndents were •inte:re•sted was ·t'he pros1pec,t for a ,ba,s1ket ball te-aJm for t'he- season of 191 1 3-14. "\Vith fou r of ithe 1912-13 five back in .school, Tm·ntium, Arud,e-rson, \V. Col1ins•, -an 1 d tQr,e.s,wieiH, arud T,own.s'ley fr,om ,th-e 1911-12 t:8'a:m, and such men as Lloyd, Ho1ftmel:·ster, Duncan ,and 'Bird back dn ,schoo,l, it c-ertainly seems t'hat C'ed,·e collle1ge lis1 0 1 nce more destined to, ,po,s 1 1:es 1 s a tea,m oif wMe'h s•h.e may ind 1 ee 1 d •be •proud and 1 W1hii1clh wm ma;ke tlh,e :big colleges of the state ,sit rwp and take noitiice. Mana,ger ere.swell i.s now •husy sched•uling ,games with s,uch teams as Wilmington, Anti,och, IMuskingwm, Oih;io Univel'sl'.lt.y, •at Atlhens; 1 st. Xaviers, of •Oincinnati; AEiblan•d OoUege,, •and iGerrnam Wan·ace, 'bes,ides many othern ,such as Canal Winchester, G:r:eenviille and Ne'W :Straiit ville. Practice is to begin imime1diate,ly •and a few exhliibition g1a;mes will re played the latter p,arrrt of Novem 1 ber. Girls' Basket Ball Team. The pro,spects fo·r ,a good team tth-is Y'ear are very brigiht with tJhree of the old team ba!ck, Mi•sses Turnlbull, T•ar'box ano Mo•rto,n. W'it'h miuch new 1materia'l in coUege -and from J.ast year's .r,eco,nd te·rum iit w,iH be an easy matter to pick a winning teaim. Our gfrls claim ,tlhe state cihaJm-