The Gavelyte, October 1913
CEDARVILLE COLL CE 13 throug,hout the year. As quite a numb t· of tihe new stud nts ~1av joined our ranks. it wiJil be ian ,eas,yi matte'!' to mak ,our s,ociety a live one. 1Misses Blanc'he Turnlbulll 1arud RJaC'hel Tar'box ntertained 'a few friends Se•ptember 23, lirr 'honior of Miss Kathlee'Il. Puitt, who lbas gone to Pleasant Ridge, Oinn., wtherie ,her fatlher now lba,s a ciharge. A tennis party at the RitclJlie home was greally enjoyed by sev– eral oif the co,]] eg,e studenits. T,he memb ,rs of the faculty who were r presented ,p'foved themselves champiions. A delig1h'tfuil ,six o'clock din– ner was served to the exlhiauisted 'Pl1ayers. MY PONY. (We are very sure t:h,at the spirit •manifested ,in tJhis poem 'is not found in Cedarvilde to any ~e•at extent, if at all. We merely quot it from an exchange.-Ed.) \\'ho helps me when rthe lfOad i s Tougih, \\'lhen tea'Clhers scold and profs, ,are gruff, W1hen day and night 'aren't long nuf? My Pony! In Latin, German, Fren ch a,nd Greek, I go to every claiss e 1 a0h week, And ride thro-ugh :tll just Hke a s>treak. My Pony! But, O'h, 'Wlhen Sem exiams come nigh, And oth r s all prepar e to die, My pony lanid,s me hig,h and dry, My Pony! In Ma 1 bh and Bible, P sych or Bug, In h m and Plhysios, there' s tlhe rub; I have to i::,ponge on s 1 ome poor du'b. My Pony! But what care I if 1half my course I sponge, 'twill carnse me no Ternorse, It's just ano 1 ther kind of horse.- My Pony! So here's to you my frien'd s•o true, You'll never faiil me, you' re ,true blue, Upon y,our •back I'Li sure get thru,- My Pony! .....IEJxcihange.
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