The Gavelyte, October 1913
THE GAVELYTE VOL. VI II OCTOBER, 1913 NO. 1 In the Glare of the Moonlight By Barton. "The Fre1sbmen will p,lease meet iimm.ediiately in the Montico Hall lecture room. Signed, Don Ingram, ·pres1ident." As the announcement was read ,at chapel 1by President A,mos, ,a simile paseed, over the faces of the upper-cl,assmen and ia murmul'ing l,au,gh arose. "That makes their fifth meeting this week, and nothing doing yet," laughed one ,ha,ugihty S10,p1homore. It was Friday oif the ffrst week in Octo,be:r. Kendry college had opened the week before with a large ,attendance, and the enthus-iastic spirit usually found· aimong the boysi seemed th,is. yeail: to be r!iot. Asso'cia,tion into cl-asses and other grou-ps came quickly and with fierce intensity. The Freshmen had organized-s•o11bad all t'be classes. Don Ingram lhad been the uwanimous choice olf the Freshmen for pre"i'dent of their class. Bold, dar<irng, ·and feiarless, he evinced a spirit apparently indomli-table. W'\it,h him as president, the Freshmen fel,t sure of v-ictory in the ,coming s·tn:ugig.Le wi,tih the 1Soplhomores. "All right, fellows, the re,port," said Ingram wlhen the class1had as– sembl€d. Deli'berately there •arose a tall, powe,rfu!ly built y,out!h nam– ed Rudolph Keene. "I wish he h1adn't been made chail,man of t;hat committee," whispered one to his nei,glhbor, "he's either f'tupid or proud." "I don't Hke h'im, either," was the reply. "}fr. President," said Keene, "the committee submits the foUo,w– ing report, after extended deliberation." Ingram winced; as presJdent he had appointed t!he grou,p w1M0h he thought wou.Jd include 'him in theiir coun,,els, and it'hey lhaid not. "I ·can't urudeTst 1and why th·ose !fel– lows chose Keene to make ifu,at re,port," he thought. Ke~me went on. "The towers of Darcy and Mermoney halls '11.1ave 1 been ui'J,ed as, stTong– holds for 11launting banrners; Monti co has ne,ver yet lbeen used. Tthe l'e-ason we sought for anid 1 t!his is it: to pl,ace t1he lbanner at t'be tnp of thP tower some one must cl'imb a hundred fee1t u·p, an ascent mak– ing almo f t a seventy-ftve degree angle with the ground. , o one 'has
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