The Gavelyte, October 1913
CEDARVILLE COLLEGE 5 welcomed us. Tihein a preiac,lher g;ive u1s, a talJk ,and t'hen the Presid n ,t, why he u·p and welico,med m,, a .secionld :tia:ne ,and I rth,o,ught he must be espedi•al'ly gl,ad to see me, 'cams,e 1he '}1ooked rig,hrt at me, and I wasn't doin· not'hin' bad, e,irt;her. "'Doc," (rthrut'·s hillil) said that Mr. " Jerk-it" wa,s trea,s:urer ·andr t1h1art we ,sihioulid pay •our "intuition" to him. ·well, after C'hapel, I found rhim and re•arny I ne•ver talked to such a leng,tby listener in ,a,Jl 1rny l.iife. The next day me and "Skininy," (thart's, my TO'Om-imate) w nt to olass and our first cl-ass was in Prof. Al1am.'s r•oom, who mo,ved just across the 1 h-atll from M'ie•s RH:cihie. No explanation is given for this change, and I'm sure I 1 srhoru,Mn?t wor,ry mry 'head over rt. Well, next, Skinny and me, we wenrt into Geiriman -and s,a.y ! ju sit to hear that teac'ber 1Jalk .in German was a 1cfa'CUS ! A feiw days later ,a r eception was announced at ch 1 aip·e1l fior the new studen•tc: and I deteinn,ined to go. Now in Cedarivil,le you have to get a girl to go ,any pliace. So I sayis, to rnysrelf, " I mrirg;h t as well be.gin a sp,airkin' now ·as• any time." An!d· s,o I piidrn out a real g,eI1Jtle lo 1 oking gal and I wrulk1s, up rto 'er ,so-rt of trembily like· and I says, "May I •brave ,the presump,tion ·to a,s 1k •t!he tfavo,r 01' it:he exqurisHe ibhs·s of your company to the receptfon Frild,ay n•i,ght." We11, ,,he s1ort of ,gig,g,1-ed and blushE'cl and didn't say 1aniyitbiI11g. Trhen I got afrn,id ,S/he d 1idn't under– s•tancl, so I blunted orut: " In ,othe,r wo,rds will y,ou s 1p-ark with m e ?'' •At trhat s•he ,giggled wio;rse .t!' ever and I ,got red in the ,face and then she •says, "Yes," and I says, "I' 1 m sro glad." We11, from then to Frriday night I fairly wa:lked. ODJ air. II didn't c1are a hit the next day when I as,ked what irt meant to •get 1situn,g •and ,E"1O,me, boy,s say tihat IProf. Lann– ing kept a •b,ive 1 O-f bees in Ms, hl!bo•rato,ry and let the,m sting all Fresh– men who didn't be!h,ave. 'iV-ell, on Friday we w-en't ,to, t!h'e rie•crepHon, t •he g,al and me. After the rec c,p-tion whEIIl we wenrt h,o,me, I thoug'hrt I -b'ad ,made a good im– pression on he-r, ,so I a:sks •anothe,r t,r1i 1 al ·rund srhe s,lams th-e d-oor in my face. Hut fat!her! I 1S1tm owe the liiV'ery biiH and 'P~eas,e! 1 won't d•o it again, soon The we-aJtheir is all r 1ain at Ced,arville. The to,wn is ~ ome we t. Tlbe boys, s,ay irt's 01b-out •td.1I111e for "'Doic" t •o, c-om•e aga1h. "Skinny" has only kicked me· out of 'bed four times, brnken two win– dow panes 1an'd t •hree chai·rs since we began roo.mling together. Don'rt forget the money. Your son, l\ F1udge-Co1me here, Paul. Paul T.--I'll do anyth'inig for you. MAX AXE. Profs . AHen and Lan,ning recently s,p,e,n1t at Clifton as– sisting Rev C. M. R1itc'hiie, orf the U. P. ,dhu.rrc'h. Prorf. Allen gave an excellent address on "Tlhe Importance o,f Bi'ble Study."
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