The Gavelyte, October 1913
I 111 ()Ill S att r ti Paragraphs ...,.. ~ - -- Cll I h.1c I h 1 " 11otlc till 11r , , h 1! I Ill , t>h \ 1111· JllllllJl for th,• < nil, ' 11111 tll •: l>11•ti1111,1n Ill' :-shak, p:11 an ,0111 l', 1111\ h<ol, t hi• g, 11111,1. i11111. h d1·1,,11t111111t, tor th1 llhr,1r ,'hnrtl,\ ,tftPr <lrnol op•nl'fl tho I' \\ho th ir eoih gt ktt1 t.. "('" for la ·t .\ ar, Th \\(rl ntitl rl, ll1 1 It Pl' \\ ,I rl tVul .-nd1 an P t nt 1,,,.,1 pt ing that th1 n1:1ttP1' , :1 tal\f n 11p ,Jt!Pt th .. <'lo.Ingot: hool. lli>nc' the <<n.P(]llPnt d1l:1) .• 'o donht th, :in• nppreciat ct th{ mon• for th• long wait. rh . ubje<'t of R0, I<' •rgu.·on·s arlrlr1 s on th opr'nin~ dn) \\ct : "\Yhat i Your Life?" Ile in,·i. tNl on th, vain or H high id ,ii ,111d point <l out that he s1>iritual idea as nwfalPcl in 'bri. is thP onlv rally ,,orthy and ucces ·Jul one. EI aLo i:,bo,,1 cl thP tt•l,1tion and importance of habit,· to lit' and succe s. II ))( int cl out a. well th• influenc o[ her dity an<l enYironm nt, but made it r!ear that th controlling f atur is our own chok He empha. iz d the worth of true, un.elfieh n·ice a nil sacritice. It wa · an able, thon~htfnl ad- dre and wa well deli\'er d. The following i the Ii t of new stud nts: i\li e · Beekman. Brad fute, Cre well, Cornwell. Finney. Fudge, Harris, Ha t•:n~ , ..\Iendenh<tll. ..\Ioore, Ram ey, tormont, eott, Tannehill and Zimmerman: .\le,,,1 . Elder, Lloyd, Tantie•hill and ,YeaYer. Tho e taking music ar : ;\1 s Ethel Boyd, H l n Creswell, Inez C'onner, ..\Iildr d Corry, ~Iary Coop– t:r , l\Iildred Orou e, T.,u He Haines, G orgia Heitzman, ..\Iartha Fo t£ r, H len Oglesbee, Gladys Posit, Bertha Stormont, Blanch Turnbull, ..\Iildred Trumbo and Irene \\Tright; ..\1essrs. C' cil Burn "·arcl ~lc– ..\Jillan and Dwight t rrett. "re w nder what about CedarYille' orator for this yr>ar. It i.· time toge busy and arouse i:,ome enthu,ia m. T, t ll" haYe a numlJ r of candidates in th pr liminary. How many students would like to !'ee an annual put out thi. year. or at leant a pecial number of the Gavelyte? If you woulrl, get h - blind it at once and boost. In our next numl)er \Ve hope to begin a erie of ketches of dif– ferent member of th alumni which wi1l make intere,ting reading we are ure. Don't mis the pedal Thank giving number. It will c-ontain a :pecial a1 ti ·le on "Thank giving," al o a Thank,,giving . tory and other features or inter t. Yon an't afford to mi~s it.
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