The Gavelyte, October 1914

12 TI I The Gavelyte PUBLISHED BY THE Students of Cedarville College, Cedarville, Ohio. Entered as Second Class Mail Matter, in the Post Office at Cedar– ville, Ohio, January 6, 1906, under the act of March 3, 1879. All correspondence should be addressed to "The GAVELYTE"--– Office on N. Main St., Cedarville, Ohio. Subscription Rate 75c per year---Single Copies, 1Oc. EDITORIAL STAFF W. D. Sterrett, '15 ............... . ............. Editor-in-Chief Ralph S. Elder, ' 17 .................. . . . ..... . .Associate Editor W. Emery Haskinson, '16) ..................... Society Editors Ruth R. Harris, '17 ) Mary E. Bird, '16 l ............. ...... ...... Local Editors David C. Bradfute, '16 ~ A. Alberta Creswell, 'I 0, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... Alumni Editor BUSINESS STAFF R. Cecil Burns, '15 .................... Business Mgr. and Treas. J. R. McCorkel, '15 / ............................. Ass't Mgrs. H. F. Bird, '15 ) David C. Bradfute , '16 ................... .Subscription Manager EDITORIAL. This isrne of The Gavelyte opens the ninth year of its existence. Nine years ago, a group of energetic Cedarville College students got together anld started a paper, whose aim was, and is, to publish all that has anything of interest, either to the students, alumni, or friends of Cedarville College. The Gavelyte is run entirely on its own resources, and with! only ·one oi, two e:x,ceptions has made out even at the end of each year. Last year, The Gavelyte paid up squarely, so we start with a clean record. How can we keep it clean? First, we must have support from the students. !Not one or two, but all must put their shoulder to the wheel and PUSH. Don't let th~ other fellow 1dro it all. Do a part yourself. In that way The Gavelyte will be a success, and no one has had to work hard, either. "\Ve feel as if this 11aper cannot exist without the co-operation of the whol~