The Gavelyte, October 1914
CEDARVILLE COLLEGE 15 currences of your college life, just pause Jong enough to place your thoughts on paper and sen,d tlhem to the ,eicl!itor of the Gavelyte. It may not interest you to see ,them in print, but there are others who will be glad to read them. Rev. JO'hn W. Bickett, '97, writes: "I've been thinking that if every alumnus would see five or ten of his fQ·i,ends and try to interest theru in a gift for the college, it would be a good thing." Of course it would be a good thing. Let us do it. Every member of last year's class was offer 'd ai position through the Cedarville CoJ.lege Teachers' EmpJ,oyment Bureau. Professor Le· roy .P~llen is at the heaid1 o,f th~ burea.u. Any who may desire a copy of the college ,c,atalogue, send request to S. C. 'iVright, Cedarville, Ohio, and ·one will be fo1rwarded 1by re– turn mail. June 4 was Alumni Day in Cedarville. A committee, apvointed by Mr. S. C. Wright, President of the Alumni Asrnciation, a rranged a very interEstin·g program for the day. The peo1ple of the village andJ com– munity of Cedarville, as well as the alumni and s1trndient-s of t'he college, ha1 been invited to assist in the celebration of the twentieth anni– vErsary of the co1Jege. The res·pons,e was, enthus·<tic an,d ,a Jrurge crowd gatbe,red in the chapel at 9: 30 to bear the addre!:ses of welcome made by Dr. MciKinney and Dr. McCb esne'Y. 'Following these, Dr. Homer 11c:Millan, '97, of :Atlamta, Ga.; R·ev. Jo'bn BickEt, '9'7, New Oon– cord, Ohio, and Rev. T. R. Turner, '99, Dravosburg, Pa., delivered splen– diid addresses, bearing mo'l·e ·or less upon the Cedarville 1College and· its pos,sibilitiEs for further development. A1 t 12 o'clock eve,ryone enjoyed a picnic dinner on the college campus. iln the afternoon our boys and alumni boys lined up for a ba"eball game, which resulted in a victory for the college. It was ,a beautiful day and the spirit and loyalty manHested were very encouraging to those who love Cedar– ville 'College. Among those from a di'stance who were present during commencement week were: ,Rev. J. Bi'cket, '97, New Concord; Dr. Homer McMillan, '97,Atlanta, Ga.; Rev. and Mrs. T . R. Turner, '99; :Mrs. Carl Paul, '00, Dayton, Ohio; 1 Mis,s Mary Knott, '00; Rev. W111iam Graham, '05, and wife, Yellow Springs, Ohio; Mr. and !Mrs. Carl Mar– Fhall, '07, of Xenia; Mr. Roy Marshall, '07, and wife, Xenia, Ohio; Rev. C. G. Ware, '07, Chicago; Miss Della McCann, '10, JeffeQ·sonville, 1 0hio; Mr. John Stewart, '11, Cincinnati; Rev. Woo1dbridge Ustick, '11, New Kingston, . r. Y., and :\fi,s•s Laura Wright, '12, Idaville Ind. Misses Hazel L-Owry and Clara Boase, '14, are teaching in the High School at Am lia, 'Ohio; Mis•s Grace 1\1 orton, '14, has charge of U1e DomesUc Science Department at New Kensington, 1Pa.; 'Mii,s Nancy Finney, 14, is principal of the High School at Bellbrook, and ' fr. Ral,ph Hofmeist r, 'l 4, is assistant principal at Kingston, 0. . During the past summe•r, Rev. Bickett, '97; Mes·srs. \Vendal ,and E1 nest I<'oster, 'l 2, ba ve preached in the Reformed 1 Pre~byteri,an pulpit, f'P-darville 'I'he Jattl•r iH attending Lane 'I'll ological Seminary, Cin-
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