The Gavelyte, October 1914

16 TI IE CAVELYTE C'innati. R ,•. . T. !Yin Orr, '!l'i, Pittflb11rg. Pa.; R v. ancl ;\I rs. Hobert \\'ilson, '01, IJ-lillsboro, lll.; R v. and ;\I rs. hrn s t 1 :\fr 1 C' l Han, ·on, :\I011ndsville, \\'. Va., visite1rl at lhe •home or Mr. ,and Mrs. J . R. Orr, Cedarville, Ohio, during the month of August. Ml'. Andrew Creswell, '10, sp nt the summer mon•thc:: at his home near C darville. IHe is a second-year student in Allegheny Sem– inary, Pittsburg, Pa. During the winter h e will preach to Dr. John Kell'dall's cong,regation in T,arentum, Pa., durill'g the pasto,r's absence in California. Ralph Hill, '10, has r esumed 'his work in Carnegie Tech., after spending bis vacation at home. Misses Ila Rams,ey, '12; Hertha Ander son, '13, ancV Grace J\lorton, '14, attended th S1t1mmer School of :viiami nivers ity, Oxford, Ohio. Miss Carrie Rife, '04, studied at Wooster d·ming th e; summer months. A wedding of much interest to the alumni oc cur te d Sap tember 9, 1914, at the home of 1r. anid Mrs. •C. G. T·urnbull, Cedarville, Ohio, V."hen their daughter, Lydia, became the bride of Rev. Uf'tick. Both were members of the cl,ass, '11. Pree 1 dling the ceremony, Tr. Hugh Turnbull, '12, sang, "Perfect Day." ~'romptly at 6 o'clock the bride and groom book their pla ces in front of a brnuti~ul bovrnr of golden rod, arranged on the lawn, preceded by Mr. Bert Ustick and :\Ir. Jose,ph Finne,y, '0·6, Misses Josephine Orr, '11, and Alberta Creswell, 'L and the bride's sister, ·:\Ii<'s· Blanche Turnbull Rev. ·:McMichael performed the marriage ceremony, the ring senice 1 being used. Im· medliately after the ceremony, Mr. John Stewart, '11, a senior in tlhe home in New Kingston, T . Y., w1:tere Rev. Ustick is pastor of the United Presbyterian church. Anot'her wedding of inte·rest to our alumni is that of :\1iss Ne.Jle Lewis, '00, a·n'd Dr. Clark, of Pittsburg, which took place at the bride's home near •Cedarville, Octobe11 7. Only immedfate relatives were present at the wedding, but a host of friends jo in in be!:' t wis•hes and congratulations. And still another wcdiding--0r alumni union-will be that of :\Iiss '.Mary Hastings, '14, and Mr. Earl McClellan, '13, which will take p1'ace October 20th, at the bride's home in Cedarville. They expect to go to housekeeping at once on the groom's farm, near Xenia. To the alumnae' and friends of the college: The efforts tihat are being put forth to place the college on a firm basis makes it in· cumbent on every one of ,you who has her int erests at heart to learn all you can about what she is doing. If you are loyal to your .alma mater, you will want to know w,hat she is dl{)ing and the progress she is makin~ and you can keep in touclh with her in no better way than by subscribing for The Gavelyte. The editors will be glad to recei\'e any sugge1::tion or piece of news from you, and the rest of us will be glad to read them. With your ·co– operation and assistance, we can boom the college and make this year