The Gavelyte, October 1914

CEDARVILLE COLLEGE 17 ihe best in her history. If you wish tel help along this wol'k, fill out the blank whic•h you will find in this copy of T'he Gavelyte and send it with sEventy-five cents to the Subscriptio,n .;\fanager, David C. Brad– fute, Cedarville, Ohio. THE THEOLOGICA L SEMINARY. The ReformEd Presbyterian (General Synod) Theological Sem– inary, notice of which i•s found elsewhere in this issue of The Gavelyte, opened its. one hundred and1 s<ixth ses '" ion in the •co,llege Chapel, Cedarville, Ohio, September 9th. Tillis semin,ary was first o,pened in the city of Philadelphia, Pa., in rno5. Its first prrofessor was Rev. Samuel '8 1 Wylie. Since then it has had among others the following in its faculty: R ev. John Neil McCloud, 'D. D.; Rev. T. W. J . ·vvylie, D. D.; Rev. David Steele, D. D.; Rev. Jamep, Y. Boice, D. D.; Rev . .;\fatthew Gailey, Rev. James Steele, Ph. D., and Rev. David McKinney, D. D., who recently resigned the deansib.ip. rrn the present faculty are Rev. W. R. McChesney, :Ph. D., ,acting dean and pro,fessor ·Of Greek New T estament and Literature; Profes·sor F. A. Jurkat, A. 1\1., Hebrew and Old Tectamen,t Literature and Church History; Rev. Leroy Alhm, A. B., Homiletics, Archeology and Biblical Theology. Dr. :i\IcChesney also hears the classes in Systematic Theology and Pastoral Theology, which Dr. McKinney formerly heard. The Board of ·Supe,rinterndents will meet November 10 to elect a new dean and professor of system– atL.: theology and pastoral theology. The attendance shows an in– crease ovn that of last year. The courses of study have 1 been revi eed and brought up to the standards of the present. This is the second year of the seminary's location in Cedarville. The prospect for com– ing years is good. PHILADELPHIAN SOCIETY NOTES. The first meeting of the Philo Litera.ry· society was 1 held in the Philo Hall, 'Monday evening, October 5, 1914. Most of t·h membe r s and several visitors were present to enjo3n the splendid program render d by the fo'1lowing m embe,r s : Miss Bird, Mr. C. P. Ritchie, "1iss Little, ~liss Sp ncer, :Miss Shiplett and Mr. Cecil Burns. 'Mr. Burns, in his eloquent i:;peech, expre:::sed his earnest de•·ire to go court– ing in the dark, which h thought would cause him to make a great hit with the girlP. Immediately after the rende1 ing of tbe program. the c•hairman handed the meeting over to the initiating team. They immediat ly took charge and proce dcd with the initiation of the new mern!Jers. ,, lr. Cameron Ross, who seemed to b the chief boss, with thP aid of se,·eral of the gi rl s, , ry skillfully cond ucted the exercises, whic·b c:onsisted of ilw aeroplane glide, t•he shaving stunt, and the fire te>:L Tlw fire te t was perhaps the most unique of them all. Mr. ('amerorr no s juE-t dropped several drops of C'-S~ on the back of the