The Gavelyte, October 1914

CEDARVILLE COLLEGE JQ lab. workers. It i's s,aid one person, recently engaged in a heated argu– ment, expfodied witih ,such force that it knocked him out ,of the room and he wasn't seen again until the next day. Ros·coe Mc-"Who's in the mus'i c room?" ·w Spencer-''Ward; go on in if you want to." Mary had a little EaTl; He wa:s well chained, no doubt; But s'he decided to tie a knot, So no one could him rout. He folJowed her to the pan··on one day_ Which wasn't exactly the rule. He made the parson tie the knot– That's why Mary cut out school. Fl,oren,ce 'had a little lamp, It was well trained, n,o doubt; Cause every time that Dwig,ht came in That little lamp wEnt out. Professor McOhesne•y,: Please sing t 1 his number softly (the "noisy" singers wilt, but Miss Holliday's ears wiggle dee-lightedly). Vi' e hear that Professor Allen ·bas bEen sending ammunition secretly to Germany. Also, that his wiofe has been making ·biscuits. Mr. McClure would like to join the vo•}unteer band. Mr. Hoffmeister informed s·omeone, whrle here on a visit, that he had come back to take his prep work. , Vlhat's ,he preparing for? To pop the quertion? :\fe '.h::11':,; s :i. Ask Ada if 1 Ralph Elder ever "returne•d thanks" for her coat. We have lots of new students takin,g the f,our-year loaf of college bread. That ethics is the same as the pLace it is trying to keep you from going.-Anoniyimous. Ada told Profes•sor Allen in education class tbat ch ildren would bite. Wonder how old the chil·d•ren were? ·we wish .to info-rm our readers that the name of the proifess,or of natura1 sciell'ce is n-0t "•S.iste•r D. Pa,rker," and ,our r e3Jders will pIT·easc refrain 1'.rom addrerning their communi cations to him as "[)ear Madam." "Patty" s,ays she was excused from having any personals in T'he Gavelyte about her last year. Wond•er why? The following was heard in a game o,f "dare-you-out," at Cres– well's: "C-0rk" was "it." He caught Irene in bis arms and she said, "Oh, that ain't fair; I d 1 idn't know you was H. We'll have to try it over again." Profe"sor Allen say,s there is an awful waste of the E)nglish language on t'he part of many teachers. The lemonade industry ba,s been revolutioniz€id. Mr. 'Weaver h'ad discovered a new and secret process in •his laboratory on McOhesney's desk when unfortunatel y s,ome carel es s pers·on opened the doo•r and so dic.,tu'rbed him that he dropped hi' solution. However, he will doubt– less continue his research. Definitions:- "Dying is a change of state."-Anna ,Collins. "A c'hair is a wooden seat witlw four legs and a back, s·ometimes arms and Fometim s roc-kers."- Earl , hort.