The Gavelyte, October 1914

20 Tl lE GAVELYTE COLLEGE ENDOWMENT CAMPAIGN . The <'ampaign fol' the endownment of Cedarville C'oll ge is now on Th re<'ently appointed financial agent, l\lr. S. C. \\'right. iH now a<'– ti ely engaged in seelring funds for the institution. When he calls to !"ee you, he will not weary you with a tedious rr·Epetition of fa<'ts and figures, 'but it will be a short, "straight from the shouMer" talk about the needs of the institution. Cedarville College is pre-:minently a local institL!tion. Cedarville arnd vicinity are by long odds its greatest •b neficiar:es. The educa– tiona:l, religious, s,ocial and moral life of this community is very c'looely ,connected with the college. It is therefore essential that the institu– tion be heartily supported by us. It is claimed ·by the friends of the- college that it is a splendid fi– nancial ass•et for the community, that itc: presence in our rnrdst add::; to the value of surrounding farms and villa 0 ·e property and increas·es the general •business o.f the village in many ways. Tbis probably h, true, yet the true basis upon which to estimate its value ic: its re– ligious, moral and social benefits. The question is : D::i we want 1 Ceid1arville College to remain in our midst? Do we want it to grow and p1rosper? There sr-ould be only one answer to the question•s, c1nd in this ca~e as in all others actions speak louder than words.-Cedarville IHeraid. ................................................ . . To Day and Every Day J. W. McCOY The Barber , Above Hartman's Store, . . ........ .. ........... 0- ..................... . J. W. JOHNSON THE JEWELER CANBY WANTS YOUR HEAD We are always showing you som~thing new. .... - MAIN STREET, Ce~arville,. - - . Ohio. XENIA , OHIO.