The Gavelyte, October 1914

24 TI IE 1A VEL YTE Cedarvi le Colege Departments:-– Collegiate Teachers' Preparatory Music Art Oratory Domestic Science Read This:--:- A thorough training under Christian influences at a moderate cost. Efficiency, one of the watchwords. An employment bureau for placing students and graduates in good position is main– tained and is successful. Everyone of last_years' dass who wished to work had a fine position before the 15th of June. Several had the offer of three and four places, and some more than that. What Cedarville College has done for others she can do for you. Write for a catalogue and further information to Leroy Allen, Secretary of the Faculty of Cedarville College, Cedarville, Ohio. Read the list of graduates in the catalogue and see how they are getting along in the world. A word to the wise ought to be enough!