The Gavelyte, October 1914

The Gavelyte VOL. IX OCTOBER, 1914 NO. 1 Opening of the College Year. The twenty-first year of Cedarville College opened \\.r ednesday morning, SEptember 9th, in the old College Chape·l, with an address •by the Rev. Frederick Lincoln Flinchbaugh, D. D. rector of 'Calvary IDpis– copal C'hu: ch, of Cincinnati. Music was furnished by the Young Men's Quartet. An atldress of welcome was delivered by the Rev. David Mc– KinnPy, D D, LL. D., who is now serving his twenty-first year as president l tr.e institution he has dcne rn much to upbuild and to P tablish on a firm finan~ial 1'2c;is. The faculty is yrnr by ye,ar assum– ing a more vrrmanent form. The dean, Rev. \V. R. McChesney, Ph.D., "·hose name ic: almo"'t i:::ynonymous with that of Cedarville College, lJPr-atif'e of hi. whole-souled devotion to the interests of the institution t.e Jo,·es rn well, and 'because of hi,s strenuous efforts in its behalf, has al:oo I E"n in tbe college since its inception, and is noted far and wide as a tear·her who e equal many larger colleges do not possess. Pro– fesFor F. A. Jurkat, tl'e2.surer anidi regis>trar, has been in the service for an al111m;t ec 1 ually long period"'."' }lrs. Jessie Rusf'ell, professor of music, ha been at the head of her department for the past decade and the oth€1' membf'1,, of the faculty range in senice from four to eight years. Two nc~w mi-amhPrs have been added this year. Professor Lester Day Pu.1 ker ha.-; taken the chair of science and mathematics, vacated by Prr f P!'f'Or R. . Lanning, who sailed in S ptemher for Shanghai, China, \\ ith his Lr1ue, lVIi::rn \Vilhelmina E. Mitray, ·12, to serve as a mission– an und< 1· lhP P1 esbyt rian Boar'd. ProfPsf'Or Parker is a graduate of ln, Ohio \\ e,! yan l'ni\·prsity, Delaware, Ohio, a member of Phi Beta Kappa an<1 an f>.'JJPJ"iPnCPd andt capabl<' teac·h r. Miss l\fary Grace !Ute 1111 's I la',, as profe. sot· of English has llern filled by :\Iiss Elea- 1w1 e KatheriuP IIolliday, :t graduat of th \\' . t€'1 n iC'ollege for . 'om, 11, o ·fo, d, Oh o, and a lJl!'mcer of' tl'e l !cnor Sod ty of that Jm;tit lio11. Shr ha alrcacl.v JJrOV€'d an C'rfiC'ic>nt ancl popular instructor ,illcl l)IW 111, I will 11! u, WO) k a11d t'Ollll'il UIP lu.:r full · 'C to Lh life , 1 d a, h t of th( sc liol J Ir. , . <'. \\'right ha$ li c>n added to the