The Gavelyte, October 1914
CEC/.RVILLE COLLEGE and second by the reality. And in the filling in of this picture every member of the faculty and every student will have a part, whvtl mar or to beautify. At the conclusion of the present Pession another year will have Leen added to the history of the coll€ge, to the record of each in– dividual life, to the ineffaceable accounts of the Recording Angel. ·what that record shall be depends, up·on three persons: Upon our– selves, those with1 whoI11 we come in contact, and the God who rules and ove1 rules. "\\'hat our Father's plans for us in this year may 1 be, we know not. We go out, not knowing whither we go, but trusting in the ·love and wisdom of Him who doeth all things well, t'hat goodness and mercy shall follow us all the day,s of the term. \\rhat impress upon our Jiyes shall 1 be made by teachers and students and frienrds, is not entirely within' our control, save that' h soul is a mirror from which is reflected much of our own character and disposition. "Give the Lest you h-ave to others and the best will c-orne back to you." It should concern us more to know what influence we shall have on others. Shall we merit the millstone senten ce of him who offerd" a brother. or shall we fO live that others seeing our good works may glorify God, take courage, and go onward and upward to higher aJc. better things? -,YhaL shall we cursc1Y€S ccntribute this year to our own destiny? That men arc masters of th ir own fortunes bas enough of truth in H to make us take a serious view of life. Days sacred to Janus have been set aside for the express purpose of encouraging us to t?,ke. ac– eotrnt or 0111 selves, and one of these ~easons of seriousness should al– ways Le the opening ·of a new college year. In this new year that God is giving us what joys and pleasures lie lJPfore us, what friendship,,, what means !'or the development of ph~ cical mental, moral and spiritual power, what opportunities for service, what privileges of deep communion with the Infinite! Shall we rejeC't the Ii tie pleasures that come our way, looking for greater in t11P futme?, Shall we i-;purn the frienodships ·of our youth as only tr-mporary and unimportant? Shall we dis·pise the 1d1ay of small things in tl l' mer L ,· or growth? Shall we neglect th oppo1·tuniLies that lie! in our pa h and clo despite to the Spiri.t of Grace? "Hope springs etc,rnal in 1.he human l1reast; man never is hut always to be bles ed." YPt thP J)r<>sent, too, has its place, and, in fact, is all that we have. "ThP Jl, t is dead and gonE> and, you know, the future is but a <lr,•arn'' uc"1·erthc>less a dr am det rminetl largely b.) the present. A fr>W months fl'orn now the rc>cord will be written, the book l' al"d, a,1ul ll(,, rmotP <'an it lie open cl for new < ntri s, but the re ults • Ju Jl tlc I an c•n< J • i-i t1·1 am to all d rnily. J,JiJROY ALLFJ. '. 3
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