The Gavelyte, September 1906

J Fi2 ATHLETICS. The trite saying that "no news is j, ome experien and so has Bryson. good new " has its exceptions as all I Williamson however has showed up good rules must have.. There is but very well in practice. As tackle I one topic at this season and that is I Ware a~ right tackle strengthen the foot-ball, but there has been less talk team on that side, his good work last 1>n that subject this fall than any year being still in mind. Harbison fall since foot-ball was first played and Waide both make possibilities on here. the other ;:,ide. Afl ends ,John Gra- And yet the Cedarville College ham, Joe Finney and Begg are the Team bids fair to be as good if not a material. Finney needs no second little better than the average for the mention being a whole team in him– past four years. Just what the make- self,Graham ought to make another up of the team will be no one knows Finney and nothing more could be yet so that everybody has a chance said in his favor . for a place. In the absence of the As backs since the Marshalls have captain Mr. Ware has been putting dropped out, McClellan, G. Willianson the team through preliminary work. Crnswc-·ll and McMillan are all good With the interest sh0wn so far and material at half. Brigham has the t1he enthusiasm which has been exhi- qualifications for a good full and bited on the campus Cedarville Col- Confarr as a quarter but how the Jt'ge will have a team that she can team will go into the first garr,e no will ue .{Jroud of. It takes lots of one can tell. It is to be hoped how– hard work, more this year than ever ever that every body will turn out l1ut the men seem to have the grit to for practice and demcnstrate what he 1/ut it through. can do. If they do this 1906 will Perhaps we might out line a possi- have its share of foot-ball glory. l1le team and size up the prospects from that. Fitz as center can give to Subscribe for the Gavelyte. You 1,~e line the steadiness necessary and need it. t·very one will . be glad to see him again in practice. Bryson, Hawthorn, and Kenneth Williamson are our best g-mml material. Hawthorne has had A souvenir post-card is just the thing to drop a line to a friend on. Prof. Jurkat keeps them.