The Gavelyte, September 1906
CEOARVILLE COLLEGE. 154 and to be the pruperty of the College free to the students of the College The Philo Reception. and the citizens of Cedarville Town- The most successful reception of ship and Corporation. An article of recent years given l.iy the Philo\; was agreement has been · signed by the given to the faculty and studenLs joint Boards; and plans and specifica- Tuesday evening Sept. 25. The halls tions have been submitted for the I were decorated in the sot:iety and building, an<l it is huped to begin its I college colors presenting a very at– erection this Fall and have it ready I tractive appearenc:e. The Philo Hc1;II 'fu r occupancy next Spring. i was extravagently decorated with During the first week uf Sept. 'Rev. Golden Rod, Wild ~sters am! Black– W ullace Iliff an alumnus of class '00, eyed Susans. and never diu the hall pastor of Duanesburg R. P. congrega- look more attractive thronged as it Lion and moderator of the N. Y. and I was with ''Philo's" and tht>ir friends. Vt. Presbytery sent notice that his I The evening was most enjoyably spent presbytery had voted the College by all. Very unique refreshments $:GOOO of its funds and that another I were served in small packages tried thousand dollars would likely be given I with the society colors. Several mu– in the Spring. Thus $GOOO have been sical numbers were rendered and added to the endowment curing .the the evening slipped away all too swift– summer and $18000 during the past ly. Philo has a good start and the twelve months, making the total en- year will be "the best ever" was the .iuwment about $60000. Prof. Allen verdict of all. a graduate of Wooster University was selected in July and installed in September as the first incumbent of thfl Harper chair in Sociology and -Economics. He has won distinction as a debater on Ci~ic questions and secured laurels for himself and Woos– ter from several university te.ams. He is making good in his new work - here and we predict good success for him. Subscribe for the Gavelyte. need it. You The Chicken Roast. The opening of a college year is certainly never complete until the studen'ts have planed for and ·carried o.ut an escapade of some sort. This was exemplified last year when about 15 of the boys of our college went on, what is known in modern ~istory:. as a snipe hunt, and again this fall on the evening of the 17th of September when nE>arly 50 of the
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