The Gavelyte, September 1906

- - ---------------- MOST ST UDENTS W E AR Kaufman's Good Clothes, HATS AND FURNISHINGS. . 19-21-23 South Limestone street, Springfield, Ohio. 10 per cent discount to students. A HOME IN CEDARVILLE Means a healthy location, a relig– ious community, good schools and culture of a college town. A Good Place to Locate . TOWN AND FARM PROPERTY. - SMITH & CLEMANS, REAL ESTATE Ceda rville, Ohio. Di rectory. Postage Stamps, Tooth Picks and le~ Water at FINNEV'S, STUDENTS' HEADQUARTERS. 1905 c . c . 1906 Pres. Philadi>lphian Literary Soci ety, W E WANT YOUR PATRONAGE. .......................... ....C. G. Ware. Pres. Philosophic Literary Society, Perfumes, Stationary, Toilet Goods, ................. . ......Fred Williamson Confections, Cigars, Etc. Pres Gavel Club, .........Claude Estle Pres. Athletic As'n ...... J. c. Marshall ICE CREAM SODA Mgr. Foot Ball Team, ..L. T. Marshall Pres. Senior Class, .......L. T. Marshall We gladly fill special orders for ice cream. " Junior " .. ..... G. Williamson --- " Soph. " ....... E. Hutchi on RIDGWAY'S PHARMACY• . " Fresh'n Class, ..... D. J. Brigham MAIN 8TREET, CEDARVILLE, o.