The Gavelyte, September 1906

The Gavelyte. VOL. 1. SEPTEMBER, 1906. NO. 7. , I Alumni Notes. t to his home in Clifton, ept. 8. . Miss Nellie B. Lewis, '00. has been Mr. Walter • haw returns to Ohw honored by being elected Pre~ident about Oct. l. of the Greene county W. C. T. U. Miss Vera Andrew, '03, was elect- I Miss Pearl McCampbell has E>nter- e~ vice principal of the Cedarville I ed Muskingum to take a post gradu- l:l1g-h School. ate course in Mathematics. Mr. John M. Finney Jr., '03, will Mr. Peter Knott of the class of enter Miami Medical Coll,:,ge this '06, iti very busy way out in Dakota · Fall, w1,rre the wind blows all the time It i::i reporte,l that Wm. Pollock, so ·'~horty" Shaw said. '04, .is going t.o attend Princeton this I Dr. J. C. George, '01, graduated coming year. • , from the Miami Medical College last Mr. Wm. Graham'. '05,. h~~ entered I June and is now inte~·ne o~ t~e – Lane Seminary Cincinnati rnstead ef man Deaconess Hospital Cmcrnnat1. th e R. P. St>minary at Philadelphia. Mr. J. Fred Barber, '04, lnft for Rev. Clarenee Young, '00. spent his New York City on Monrlay, Septem– vacation visiting friends and relatives I ber 24, and has entered the law de- in Ireland. j partment of Columbia University. About Emerson Sh::tw, "Rip", not'! Mr. Frank Orr, ·'04, has discontinu– - ·much is heard only that he is still at ed his studies in the Reformed Pres- his old tricks. by terian Seminary in Philadelphia Mr. Claude Estle, '06, spent the and will enter Aleganny Seminarv in– qummPr at Norfolk, Va., returning I stead.