The Gavelyte, September 1907
ohe Value of a College Paper. HY !<!RN l~ST ~l(•('J,J<; t,1, \ K , '1111. What <loes r,ur College Paper mean I collegiate debate with Muskingum to y·ou? Perhaps it meami much, or college. Also, through our papn perhap' Ii tt.)1-'. That dlilpends hrgoly / other colleg s have be ome acquaint– upon your conn etions and l't'lat.inns ed with Cedarville College and what with {jl'da rvill e College. she is doing and have extended to us If you are one who has no connec- an invitation to join an ratorical tiun with our institution 01· any of Association. To this invitation we its studt-'nts possibly thi~ little maga- readily responded and it is with priJ zine will not lw regarderl ,:vith mu ·h that we can ay that we are am.ember esteem by ynu, but if you are a stud- of the Ohio Oratorkal A.. neiation. ent or an alumnus, espPci..illy if you Is thi not helping the W(·lfare of are one widely separaterl from your j the College? We as publishers of Alma Mater anrl have not direct ave-1 this paper realize that we have a dif– nues of learning of the many things of ficult proposition and we hope that intere~t that are happPning day by day you are realizing the same, but stud– within and without those brick walls, 1 ents, alumni and friends, I take this certainly the p·:i.per has or at !east J privilege to state that the publica– should have a warm . pot in your I tion of this paper must necessarily heart. - Undoubtedly there is no place I be discontinued in the near future outside of his "Home Rweet Home," nnless we have better support from dearer to the true Anwriean college !you. You ran help us fir t of all by graduate than that in which· he spent I your prompt sul1scription. Yon can - four of the happiest yi->ars of his life. help .us by sending u~· items for it. If you are truly loyal to your col- -In soliciting advertisements for the Jege you wish and pray for its pros- I paper, the chief objection of adver– perity. 1 tisers is that they see no results, but since the beginning of friends, I earnestly ask of you that this college has done more to tiring you will make it a part of y·our busi– it in touch ~\'it·h othPr similar inBtitu- ness, in so far as it is possible, to tions of learning. patronize our advertisers and men- 1'his little r,·rl-hacked paper has I tion "The Gavelyte" in your bu sin Hs been the means of securing an inter- transactioml.
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