The Gavelyte, September 1907

CEDARVILLE COLLEGE. 152 - ----·-~~-------- --·---- Ross McCown, a former student of C. C. is engaged in Y. M. C. A. work in New Jersey. He preached one Sab– bath for the 3rd R. P. church (1f Phila. Miss Carrit> Rife, '04, visited in the East during the summE'r. Prof. Young, '04, will tE'ach this year in the High 8chnol at Van Wert. F'reci Williarrnwn, '07, was down with typhoici fever the past vacation. He has rrcovered. Or . J. (\ George, '01, of the State Hospital at Columbus, was in Cedar– villt> rlnring thE' past month. Roy Marshall, of '07, is teaching in the (;edarville High School. His brother, Carl, is engaged in similar work in the Clifton school$. Rev. C. A. Young, '00, was united in marriage with Miss Margaret R. Ne lson, a member of his congrega– tion, on June 25. The ceremony was performed hy the Rrv. J. H. Kendall '