The Gavelyte, September 1910

111 ,· 1111p11 . '""" h, tlw t•1•1pl:1n1•H, Ill li111ad jump. 1111rl r •l11y n, 1•. , hi,·h "'' all lw1·:mw :wq11:1111t1•d, 1•1wh , ·pn 1,, I nv1• h •t•n nmP ht n1w, 1' 1r111 r :1 1·:inl I •llin~ lwr nanw ,.,m~H. hut 011 u1•co11nl of th md th• 11,11111• of tlw i111t1t11t1nn Ill' ,,· ..n th •r lh ·y h:1d to hi' l':lll11d r,•111· •:1•ntl d . Ilo\\,l'\/1•1· :iho11 :1 rlmwn ofu •nJ,1y1•d 11 Cnlll'gt• llny w:iH on' ·njoyP<l hy nil. prnct ic<• of aho11 Hi minu 1· 111w ,•v,•n · Thi' d1•J1,~al1•s from Pnch ('ulie~t' w '\' • mg. "llJlJIOH1'd tn gin• a "Hlnnt", pn•p:n•d lo!-11 of lhtHt' thing ar,• otll'R which 1•sp crnlly for thi: t1m ... 'J h 'I'!' w •rc Wf'TP fm· th<' 1•nt ·r ainmPn of th1• forts on, stunt: g1n,n, Hom of th wholt• body of dPl ·gatL•H. lnrgL· part small •r d I g:1tlonH uniting in of our fnn was had I ith 1· in our own s tunt. The Oh1 rlin d I gation dot .nit• ·y, or in th• chning hall, or p •r- Yery amusing far· -'ntill d, hap~ i 1 a sma ll ·rowel going l<> tht> Oberlin Ent rtains"; an locu ion class woods or hillH n ar by. , om tim 'H th· l'Ompo. eel of ev ral delegations r cit d, girli; in one s •ction of a dormitory "Mar. had a Jittl lamb" in ways I would have a spread and sit around suit d to the co tume th y wor ; telling college stori s until th warning anoth r delegation gave a sel ction on was given that the lights would go out the Human Pipe Organ and also Men- in a few minutes, and ev n then we d lsohn's morning song (cock-a-doodle- we could not stop always and the lights doo); arli le Indians gav Hiawatha would di ' app ar and we would have to in pantomine· Dickin on - the Romance find the way to our rooms and to bed number of the Ladie ' Home Journal. in the dark, unless we were so fortunate o yells were allowed. I as to have a few candles. There wer everal times walks and drives wer e 1 1 some thJngs that did not seem so funny planned and anyone who wished might at the time they happened but w re go. One day was Field Day and per- I afterward, such as hfiving ~at flying '. 1 around the room, and getting locked haps that was th~ most enJoyable of out o~ yo~r room without knowing the all. The first thmg was a base-ball combmat~on of your lock and having to game between the secretaries and t he get the mght watchman to unlock it. recreation committee. Both sides had 9f course there ":'er e. many more . thmgs that happened m the ten days their crowd of rooters. The secretar ies but these a re enough to show that w~ had a doctor, redcross nurse, ambulance did not attend meeLings all 'the time. (at other times a wheel-barrow), etc. , We hope there will be several more and the other side had a band, composed girls who will be permitted to enjoy the Conference next year than were oj Western Reserve girls with tin pans this year. and anything else that would make a noi e, to cheer them on. Songs were arranged especially for this game. I t resulted in a score of 15 to O in favor of the recr~ation committee, after playing only 2 innings. Then followed a fat ladies race, three-legged race, potato i·ace, standing jump, running Bridge Barber Shop FINE WORK STUOENTS :CALL , Smith ®. Phillips.