The Gavelyte, September 1910
Ch:lJARVlLLB COLLBGE. 112 ---- College Opening. 1 - courage, b lief and love are the j the three great powers. - I would -- . . I r_ather h~ve an army of deer with a If you are wont to recogmze signs of I h~n at his head! than an army of lions prosperity in good beginnings, you with a deer at its head - If there ever surely cannot fail to see certain indi- w 1 . as an age wh~en w~ n~ed men that be- 1eve somet mg 1t 1s today. Love cations of an unprecedented ~ss for I conquers where other powers fail. Cedarville College for the c omm g year. : Wha_t comp~ny d.o you keep in your A beautiful morning, a goodly number ! readmg? Live _w1th ~'!·eat petsonal_ities · d h t f J by your reading. lhe Bible 1s a of. new students, an mtereste os O . Book of Biography. Live with its fnends, a masterful address: these I great personalities. Do not think that were some of the good things that in s~h(?ol life the fact that you are a ushered in the seventeenth year of life C.hnstian co~nts for naught for the i C c highest testimony to your power is to O • • • . ' have it said that YOU ARE A CHRISTIAN Dr. McKmney presided and the I A,fter the address Dr. McKinney services were opened by singing of a I gave a kindly welcome to the new Psalm followed by invocation by Dr. ! students, the friends of the school, as Bro~Jee pastor of the First Presby- I well a:s. to the returned . student body. • ' • . • 1 Mr. Seigler then pleasmgly rendered tenan C~urch, Clifton, 0: Immediat~- ! t_h e selectio!1 "l Am A King" ly followmg, Mr. Geo. Siegler beaut1- 1 · Dr. McChesney then presented to fully sang "If I were a Rose". Dr. 1th~ Li~erary Societies the Al~ord KcKinney then introduced the speaker I pnzE:s for the past ye:1r. The pnzes . I consist of ten dollars m gold, donated of the day, Dr. McK1bben of Lane by the Rev. John Alford to the literary Seminary. Dr. McKinney spoke of the 1 1 socie ty that secures the most credits in manly personality of the man, his . a semester. '1 he honors were divided work with Lane Seminary and inci- the past year and Dr. McChesney on dentally of Dr. McKibben's athletic behalf of Rev. Alford presented ten prowess. In the latter connection ! dollars to the Philadelphian Society for President McKinney unknowingly dis- ! the victory in tha first semester, and to played a remarkable knowledge of the 1 1 . the Philosophic Society for their victory i•national game," and dealt most in the second semester. familiarly with the terms "base hits'', I Announcements of the professors "two out" "a perfect slide" etc. , then followed and the benediction was With but brief introductory remarks pronounced by Rev. Mills J. Taylor. Dr. McKibben launched immediately in- After the exercises it was the usual to his subject. He took for the subject rush for the "book exchange", the of his address "Power" and we quote I making of your schedule, and all those i-n part as follows: "What is power? I other troubles. But it was a happy Power is an agency to impress our will aggregation, enthusiastic and energetic. upon other things or personalities. The art display of Prof. Ankeny, The measure of our power depends on ! professor of art was an object of much our spiritual and intellectual resources I admiration. - Too much stress is often placed on Truly it was a good beginning and it physical power for often the greatest I will remain just as good throttghout. l>OWER is found where the weakest Just keep that smile you wore the first power is-Personalities are what will morning and with it that enthusiasm, make our nation the greatest nation- keep them working ALL the time and The greatest torment in perdition would its going to be your happiest, biggest he the knowledgeof our lost personalty and best year yet.
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