The Gavelyte, September 1910

I I : oh V E LY T . amh1l1011 . jn ·s 11m1 prnhh·rns 01 tw1t·nt 1·11111 1111, n Ttt.: hll' W al o :1r,• not forg,.tful of Of CED KVILLE COLLE(iE tho t' who ur • nl'W nmnng u :iml w,• • r •al11.I' what a 1mw.-r you :in• in mnkin~ ' d.arvill I hio I tlw Gnvl'lyll' a ll Cl' l'I nnw I fl w ·II n \ ~IONTIILY PAI gt{. I for th' yc:m1 to romi•. W,• hull ht> only loo glnd to r •<'l'iv • you1· r.ontrihu– ~.111,•n·tl 11 "'t·t•nntl 1'11<.... ;llnll ,\lt11trr, ln th,• I 11 t10nH and your opinwns on any J>rohlem •,,,1 Ot 1•1• 11 t',•d11rdll,•, Ohln, ,l1111unry 111, lllOII. of1:1turl,nt Jif•. lak• it not !limply \I I ,•nrn·,-pontl.-nc,• .. 11011lt1 1," 11t1cln•..111•d to "TUE GAVELYTE" but ma.kt • it 'llH'll\Y1, \H "-Otll,•,• n11 \ ,111111 t..Of'clu.r y { I , 111,,. 01it,, 1 , l 'APER FC R IT IS YOUR PA- - _ _ _ PEh.. ..,,, 1t.. rrlptl1111 R11tl' ,:X· per y1·11r-SIHl(IP <'o pt,,,. I But in anticipating our futur work in..• __ I we would not be entirely unmindful of the past. It would be quite a Rpirit of i,;1>1TOltlAJ,, T.\l•'l•'. · mgratitud that would make us forget lh.\\ lTL' MORO.\ , '12 EdH01· In 'hi t · h ROHER'!' w. U 1' CCK, '11, As ol'iate Editor to mention t e service of thos who in \I I<:NDELI, FO TER, •rn, Literary Editor the past have so faithfully labored and \LBERT CRE ·wELL, ,•10, Alumni Editor sacrificed that the Gavelyte might Jive l<'LO REX i,; \\'ILLL\~I o , ·11 !, oclety today. It has been an effort worth B.ER 'l'HA 'l'OR:llONT, 'll, Ediiorr.1. t?R.Jr n L . CLElCA . •rn, Athletic Editor while to perpetuate this publication; it \\'lLHELMlXA .IIITRAY, •12. ~ has mear1t work, perseverance and sac- ttR.u,E )lOIU'ON, 'Ul, Local Editors "f' 1 h h BERTHA .\:-!DER ON', •rn, · j r1 ice; we on Y ope t at such a spirit ELWOO.Q P. HOWELL, ·u, Humor Editor. may still live and that we can work HU ' IKE ..., STAFF. just as tirelessly and faithfully and P. D. JHXON, ·12. .Bus. )Igr. and Treasurer make it still worth while. i,;. ERNE T FO TER, ·rn, Adv. Mnnager We still need the co-operation of the EARL McCLELL.-\1', 'I:l, I A t 'd " ENTIRE alumni·. We DO NEED your !•'RED L. ULE~AN , 'Ul, I ::is • ·"- Y. •ul;{rs. ('H.\. E. \"OHO, •rn, ;\failing <.;Jerk financial support. With a reduced sub- scription rate it is only a matter of The Gavelyte begins its fifth year of small moment individually, but when it life with an issue one month earlier is not attended to and we rtre forgotten than is its usual custom. The reason is by many it becomes a matter of mag– evident when we tell you that it is the nanimous proportions for the business ambition of the entire staff to make it management to cope with. We shall a publication abreast with the times endeavor to make it of interest to you and of immediate interest to the entire . and shall try to make it a paper that student body, alumni and friends. To I will keep you posted on the work of all those who have taken such a kindly J your Alma Mater. Wont you be a loyal and helpful interest in the work in the alumnus? Send in news of interest to past we would again solicit your aid in I the college, for that will help us to in– making the Gavelyte a thoroughly stu- I terest others dent paper, voicing the sentiments, Cedarville College begin, another