The Gavelyte, September 1910

1 ,1,, -·' Ink,• 1111 tlw , nt·k in \ lit, •lwny ,'t•m1 II rwl'y, dr. 11. ll.1l'h1.n111 in lhl' gro- s l't•n· h11s11w. .' md ~lt'sHr• • Frank, Ilow- I ~ uh-. ·rl h · for lhc <I 11 (h 11 ~ mi .ind \ndr •w Cn.'.'Wl•ll :in· tilll•l':-1 of 1----------------- tlw soil Ir. l'alph Hill ii-1 lPn hing o H VO u '.w,r .'Pda1· ill•. _li:-1:- In '7. ShPphcnl I ts a. :1st ant po:l m1strt>H:-1. M1ss<•s lkl la ~kl'ann :ind l{uth FlnllPr an' l a ·h I ing- mu. i · "hih• Missl'H Eth •I le Millan and \lhc1 la ('r •swell will return lo col- lcge o •ngagt> in further study and Mr. KAISER Steam Laundry! The hest la undry age ncy an Fr,d Bird iR clerking in Bird's Mam- Ceclar ill l', fellow.. tr it thi moth Slort>. week a nd you 'll never c ha nge. Specials I w o · ht st -tt A t . wig e rrc.; , g . Pic ture F r aming, A nni ve r sa r y ! -·- -·-------------- Presents, Musical Instrument s F ine S tati oner y, Bibl es, A ll Si zes. WEST'S BOOK STORE, Xenia, Ohio. Mr. Elwood Howell wishes to inform the many readers of the Gavelyte that the report circulated that he was "connected with the Associated Breweries", and a "bar tender" for a while this summer is entirely FALSE. (But we can readily see by Mr. How– ells increased avoirdupois how such a report became circulated.) EVERY SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHER ' has often he a r<! cla,s-members say: ' 'I cannot understand the Bible." They could not 11nd<"r~1a11d any other book that was printed three hundred years a~o. So man,· E11;.rl 1-l, w,,, ds of that day were different. :\f,,n .. th:111 f.,, 1,. new dictionaries have been required since then, to keep up ~-., , lil e ,.,, ,11r:es in the English language . The A,nerican Standard B "f L • Edlled by lhe American Rewision Commlttn ,....e uses the words of our day , which make the mean– ings of the Bible writers clear to us Write for Our Free Booklet, "How We Got Our American Standard Bible'• No teacher can afford to be without it. Thos. Nelson & Sons, Publlshers. £. 18th St., New York Bible publishers for 50 years