The Gavelyte, September 1910
CEDARVILLID 'OLLEGE. 124 LOCAL NEWS. Prof. Agnes Smith is back, oh! shaw. I "he ought to know it is time to dismiss I Have you paid your sub cription yet? I class; he rang the bell." Please do. Why under the Sun can't Cedarville We notice the "Widow" McGaffick have a Foot Ball Team? The Faculty has r turn d. ha~ engaged a Coach. Why can't you Now's the time to make a some college spirit. noise like I fellows come out and practice? It does not take but a little time and the trips A falling rain-drop is something a F reshman's head - hol1ow. 1 .k j are very instructive, giving the players 1 e · d · f If i a poise an a certain amount o se , confidence which can not other wise be Prof. Lanning looks pretty good. 1 obtained. Here's wondering if he makes a hit with the ladies as Prof. Palmer did. Some of the benevolent upper class– mm ought to t ake the Freshies out on one of those delightful snipe hunts. There nee was a young man named Shaw And he fell in love with Prof. Smith. He urged his wooing most earnestly And now it's a!J over with, How fortunate that it was the trunk For she wears a ring on her finger and not Grace B. that was lost or else : And he wears a smile on his face. Phil would undoubtedly have led an en- ! We hope that the rapture will linger tirely graceless life. i Until after the wedding takes place. P D D . ·t dl th II Warning: Change the name but not the . . 1xon came exc1 e y up e 1 t e ter street, as socn as he got his breath he 1 I Change for worse and not said, '·say fellows, will you go to the f b tt . 1 · h ?" ! or e e1. me on roast tonig t. _ , Notice the joyf 1 Jo 9 k on Miss I He: "Base ball reminds me of the _Lownes face? he is back in the vicin- 1households- th~ ba~ 1 e, the batteT, the ity of the place which she and Hugh fouls a~~ the _fhes. . . have chosen. (What for?) I She: And 1t remmds me of marri- , . I age. First the diamond, where they "~alter Dixon" (seein!-5 Prof. Smith I are engaged ; the sfruggle and the hits commg up street ran to hi s mother _and when the men go out, and finally the said) "Run mother and see that "uttle I difficulty they h ave in getting home . " ·teenEy girl" that goes to college. M Y h ·t· · the hall fol' I "The College is growing older year r. o o wa1 _mg_ 1n ,, . PrJf. Jurkat to d1sm1~s class r emarked, by year Dr. ~ cKmney.
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