The Gavelyte, September 1910

W • .L. CLEMANS INSURANCE I !Palace Meat Market Finest Meat Store in Greene County CALL I and see for yourself. All j kinds of Fruits and :Oysters in season. I i Phone Order in . l S. Mai,1 Street, City. i C. -C. WEIMER, Prop. ~~~~~~~~~~~ ! ~~~~~~~~~~~ Mills lc1ifton City Mills Cedarville Roller l Still Man ufactures · I Golden Rule Flour. J I. B. Preston , Prop. l The brand that has been on t he l l market for t we nl y yea rs, bu t t he i Manufac ture rs of ~'lour is Now Bett~r t ha n Evir. i SNOW BALL Flour . ! Try It! L. H. SULLENBERGER. Try It Oneel! To-day and Every Day. J CHAS~ R. fiROVES CANBY LIVERY and FEED Wants Your Head 32 N. Fountain Avenu~. I ' I We are a lwayR s; 10w1ng you some- tLi ng new in P hotographs. Springfield, Ohio. • j Both Phone :Xenia .. - Ohio. Hair Dre~sing Parlor in Connection Students and Friends Call!