The Gavelyte, September 1911
Cb;UA ll VILL!~ l) ll,l,1£(; I•:. l (i-1 arville College; and whereas through officers: Rev. Young, chairman; S. C. t 1 1e efforts of this committee a number Wright, ,Sec.; Miss Mary Ervin, Treas. of the Alumni have signified their will- Rev. Graham, as a member of the ingness to contribute to such a fund; Board of Trustees of Cedarville College therefore be it ordained by the Alumni presented the following offer from the Association in annual business meeting Board to the Alumni, viz: That the col– assembled this 9th day of June 1911, lege Board of Trustees be increased 3 that a Board of Trustees be and is here- members, one to be chosen by the by created to have control of any and Board in 1912, one in 1913, one in 1914. all money and other contributions; that That t~e 3 additional members be taken may be given to said fund. from the Alumni, one member to be Sec. 2. Be it further ordained that I nominated by the alumni each year, this Board shall consist of three mem- begmnmg m June 1911, to be elected to hers, who shall be members of this As- their me'mbership the following year by sociation, and who shall be elected by the Board of Trustees to serve three the Association at its annual meeting. 1 years. The Board of Trustees reserve Sec. 3. At the first election one mem- the pr-ivilege of electing or rej ecting ber shall be elected to serve a period of, the Alumni nominee and electing some one year; one a period of two years; J other alumnus in his place. and one a period of three years. Their I A motion was pagsed' that a special s:iccessors shall each be elected for a meeting of the Association be held the period of three years. I last Thursday o December 1911 to Sec. 4. Said Board of Trustees shall , nominate the first Alumni Trustee of be charged with the safe keeping of C. C. above provided for. said funds and shall have power to in- Officers for the year 1911-12 elected vest any money coming into its posses- by the Association are: Pres. C. C. sion. I Morton; Vice Presidents, Mrs. Thos. Sec. 5. The Board shall make an an- 1 Turner, Miss Nellie Ustick, Elkana nual written report to the Association. Finney, Mrs. F. A. Jurkat, Freil Bird; Said report on its acceptance by the Rec. Sec. and Treas., Miss Jeannette Association shall be referred to the Ex- Orr; Cor. Sec., Miss Alberta Creswell; ecutive Committee of the Asso.ciation Banquet Com.; Alberta Crrswell, An– for auditing. I drew Creswell, Ralph Hill, Fred Bird, Sec. 6. The Board shall be elected in j Bertha Stormont. open meeting of the Association by aye and nay vote. Alumni Banquet. The following trustees were elected: Mr. L. T. Marshall, 3 year term; Mr. A passer-by, on North Main street, Joseph Finney, 2 year term; Miss Vera would have noticed,on the night of June Andrew, 1 year term. 9th, that the main building of the col- The enthusiasm Committee was con-1 1 lege was lit up as if for some festive tinued for another year with same C'onti1111Ni 011 l'-11gP rn,;
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