The Gavelyte, September 1911
Cl!}DAl{VlLLE CUl,.l,l 1 }(;E. 17() PHILOSOPHIC OClETY. A very interesting program is being prepared for the first meeting· - a joint one of both societies. Special features will add to the interest and very good The annual Reception of Philo will be held on Friday evening, Sept. 29. To this we invite the Faculty and Students new and old of all departments of the college work. attendance is anticipated. Remember the value of a good begin– ning and start in now and get your BOOST points early.. . . , If everybody interested, student, We also WJSh to call the att~ntwn of faculty and alumni, will boost and each Faculty, Students, and 1?"-lum~i to the I do what they can, this will be a banne r fact that the first recept10n o.f the year J year for the GAVELYTE. will be held next Friday night, Sept. 22nd. You are assured of an enjoyable evening. All are invited. --,---,- -- - PHILADELPHIAN SOCIETY. Rensselaer Established 1824 Troy.N. v_ Philo Literary Society held their first l 0 business meeting Friday mornin"g· Sept., Polytechnic 15. As a number of our members are I not with us this year it was necessary _E_n_g_i_n_e_e_r-in- I 1 ,,.tu, to fill their places among the officers. and Scienc! DS1I e The following were chosen: Pres. I------- Howard McGaffick. Sec. Ila Ramsey; _Cou~ses in Ci~il E!:'gine~ring (C, E.), _Mechnnical En- ' • gmeering (M. E. ), El<'ctricnl Eng1neer111g (E. E.), ond Treas. Ralph Elder. The Assistant General Science (8. S.). Also Sped?! Courses, . Unsurpassed new Chen11cal, Physical, Electncal, Me- Secretary and Vice President retain chnnical and Materials Testing Laboratories. _ For catalogue and illustrated pamphlets showing their offices. The names of ten new I wo_rk o< graduates and students anct views ot buildings •- ~ampus, apply to m mberis wer<> 1'eceived and added to JOHN W. NUGENT, Regaslrar. <Jut· roll.
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