The Gavelyte, September 1911

G~~U.AltVlLLE COLLEG~. 172 lack of interest in the college paper on is one of many good ways to support the the part of the Alumni are various and college. It is the best means for the might be interesting if they were here dissemination of news and views con– set fourth, but it is not our purpose to cerning her welfare. discuss them. Our purpose is to make Every alumnus will receive a copy of an appeal to the Alumni on behalf of this number. The expense incident to the GAVELYTE. printing and mailing sufficient extra Since its in ception, the writer has copies so each may have one has been been connected with the GAVELYTE. furnished by one interested in the wel– That connection has been as an em- fare of both college and alumni, so fe el ployee of the management. The I perfectly free to read and keep this mechanical work of every number has copy because it is paid for. Then, be– been done under his supervision. This I fo_re you forget about it, "come across" is the last number that will be so with 75c and thus become a bona fide published. We have sold our printing subscriber. You will feel better, sleep establishment and thus our connection better and work better if you do. Send as mentioned above has been severed. subscriptions to S. Ernest Foster, busi– Therefore what may be said cannot be ness manager. attributed t:> a mercenery interest. First, each alumnus should be a sub- The Alumni Endowment. scriber to the GAVELYTE because of a true love for his Alma Mater. If j there should not appear, during the Four of those who pledged to con– course of an entire year, a single item ! tribute to the Alumni .Endowment fund f . . · of the college have paid the first year's o mt~rest, if he never too~ the paper I installment and it is now in the hands from its cover for that period, the fact , of Miss Ervin, treasurer of the com– that he spent four years or more of his I mittrn. We are expecting to hear from life at C. C. and holds a degree there- others. so?n. Mr. Fred Bird, the . Alumm editor of the GAVELYTE, has in ~rom should be suffic~ent reason for be- this number a splendid account of the mg a PAID UP subscriber. last annual business meeting in which Second, The excuses often given that 1 . you will note that a board of .trust~es matter published is light trashy poor- was created for the purpose of having 1 ·t ll d' 'd f ' . I charge of these funds. That board has Y wri ten, not we e ite • o no mter- 1 not yet organized, but I am informed ~st etc., are worse than none. The I will do so soon. Those of you who way to obviate such conditions is to I have pledged are kindly requested to write an article yourself something remit. qircul?'r letters with additional . . . ' I mformat10n will go forward soon to that will be mterestmg, well composed I each alumnus. Let's all get together and profound, and send it in for publica- I on this proposition and in the course of tion. The Editors are always glad to J five years we can boast of a respectable - receive articles from the pen of an , endowment. . I Smcerely, Alumnus. I S. C. WRIGHT, Third, the support of the college paper I Sec. Endowment Com.