The Greene County Guardian, November 29, 1956
J L 3POSED SITE of $1 million dollar lake is shown in map. ijecthas expanded since its original announcement, word m inner legislative circles reports. H I S IS Your Newspaper Today marks the b irth of a news paper. The Greene County Guardian was published this Thursday and will be published every Thursday to s erve the Jamestown and Cedarville area Greene County. Service is the f ounda t i on of this newspaper’s existence. Owners of the firm publishing The Greene County Guardian chose this particular area because of their de sire tofill a service which apparent ly has been n e e d e d for some two years or more. Residents of any par t i cu l ar area depend upon their ho metown news= paper. The depend uupon that med ium much more than they ever could imagine—until t h e r e is a paper no longer—then some idea of the pur poses a newspaper fills is born. Jamestown andCedarville, which fostered and nurtured a publication for many years, watched something in which they had pride, die. The Guardian Publishing Co., Inc., las no ties wha t s o e v e r with any brmer publication. It is a newly - ormed c o r p o r a t i o n within the tate of Ohio wit'; a:l : >: ; jwned y Gordon C. Baskettand James I. ratten, the men who operate this ewspaper. But the Guardian does intend to ill a need in an area which has been abandoned by another publication. The owners f e e l s t r o n g l y that residents of J a me s town, Cedar ville, Bowersville, Cl i f ton} New Jasper and the surrounding town ships deserve a medium of expres sion WxJiin the area they’re proud to call home. We,too, now are proud to c a l l this community home. The Publishers— SAMPLE COPY • T Y - 1 8 0 0 8 B o x h o l d e r PROJECT CHANGES HANDS CEDwv Lake Job Tops $1 Million Latest rumblings about the state legislative members in dicates the proposed Caesars Creek dam and lake project in New Jasper and Silvercreek townships will be a$ l-m ill- ion-plus program. Activation of the project has been taken out of the hands of the Wildlife Division, Bureau of Natural Resources, it was learned this week, and turned over to the board of Parks and Recreation. And that means e l a b©r a- tion. Under the original proposal, the lake would have been pri marily a fishing resort. Un der the park plans, there will be extensive developm e n t s the greene county Second Class Permit Pending at Jamestown, O. Guardian VOL. I No. 1 Jamestown, Ohio Nov. 29, 1956 C UMM I NG S , SAY S THE LAW Mayor DeForge Quits Ma y o r Morris O. DeForge of C e d a r v i l l e announced Wednesday night befofe vill age council that he is resign ing, effective Saturday, and that he will move his family to Sidney. Ralph Cummings, as presi- Light Levy Count Set Proponents of a more mod- dern street-lighting program for Jamestown have marked Tuesday, Dec. 4, as a pos sible v i c t o r y date. That's when both Jamestown voting precincts will be recounted. All 87 p o l l i n g places in Greene County are being re counted by the board of elec - tions at the paid insistence of County C o mm i s s i o ner Robert E. Crone of Fairborn. Jamestown village council m emb e r s , as individuals, also had requested a recount h e r e on t h e proposed one- mill s t r e e t-lighting levy, which residents favored by an 11-vote majority. B e l l b r o o k residents also See LIGHTS Next Page ,dent of council, automatic ally becomes acting mayor under state law. DeForge actually informed m emb e r s of the council of his impending resignation at the first of this month. Offi- c i a l announcement, h o w ever, did n o t c o m e u n t i l Wednesday night's r e g u l a r session of village dads. His resignation results from his taking a position with the state. In that capacity, he will work out of Sidney. The f a m i l y is m o v i n g to that community Saturday. De f o r g e became Ma y or Jan. 1, 1956 a f t e r he was* unopposed in the November 1955 election. He had resign ed as a s e r g e a n t with th e Greene County Sheriff's De partment in February, 1955, to work in a Dayton indus trial plant. He had been with the Sheriff’s D e p a r t m e n t since June of 1953. The resigning m a y o r is a native of Detroit who moved to th is a r e a in 1951. He is married to the former Miss Bernice Frame of the Cedar ville c o m m u n i t y and the couple has two c h i l d r e n , Iris and Ellice. m m r * MORRIS DeFORGE . . . leaves post. (Guardian photo.) along the shoreline, includ ing bath houses, picnic areas, toilet f a c i 1ities and a road forming a complete loop a- r o u n d t h e lake--but with only one e n t r a n c e to give the state a control over its use. !it has been r e p o r t e d that the project will be number one on the list of recommen dations for action going be fore the G e n e r al Assembly when such convenes early in 1957. That hikes the l o c a l pro ject far above other proposed recreational developments in the state of Ohio. Elwood D. Stroup, tredding the hills and vales of his na tive Greene County, has been largely responsible for the spadework.' He has contacted all land- own e r s in the a r e a of the proposed lake in his job with the land acquisition section of the state government. And t h e r e has been little objection. There would" be no removal of homes. O n e b a r n may have to be relocated bur that stacks up as a minor h e a d ache for a p r o j e c t Of such' scope. The project had the bless ing of Greene County Com missioners, headed by James- See LAKE Next Page Suspected Couple Faces Lie Detector in Murder A Cedarville area c o u p l e was to be taken T h u r s d a y morning to Lo n d o n S t a t e Prison to face a lie detector test in the alleged murder of William Riley, 44, Cedar ville. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Butts, W ilberforce-C lifton Rd., have agreed to submit vol- u n t a r i l y to the test. They are implicated in a fight in Cedarville w h i c h has been blamed for the death. The Montgomery C o u n t y coroner's office has ruled the Riley death, which occured Saturday afternoon in Miami Valley Hospital, 'Dayton, a homicide. Officials claim he died as a direct results of in juries suffered in the alter cation. T h a t o f f i c e i s basing its ruling almost entirely on a two-way note between Riley See MURDER Next Page FORMER JAMESTOWN RESIDENT Wright Bags Hardware Burglar J a me s t o wn Police Chief Howa r d L. Wright, on the second time around, got his man. Chief Wright Tuesday night apprehended a former James town r e s e d e n t after a 100 mile-per-hour dash up State 72. Robert Hosier, 30, now of Springfield, has admitted to six burglaries in t h t j i l l - age recently, Wright said. Hosierwrecked a car stolen in Springfield w h i l e Wright was chasing him toward Ce- d a r v i l l e Tuesday night. Ho s i e r admits to being the man at whom Chief Wright fired three r ounds recently d u r i n g a break-in at Gibbs Hardware. Hosier also admits to break ing into the Smith Farm and Home Center five different times. But he denies he broke into the Adams-Thuma Co . die same night he was fired at by Chief Wright. None of the bullets hit their mark when C h i e f Wr i g h t walked into the h a r dwa r e store that night. But Hosier Wednesday morning told the chief. “You we r e c o r n i n ’ mighty close. Hosier admitted he was sur prised at the Gi bb s s t or e . Chief Wright was called by Earl G i b b s , owner, after Gibbs noticed something a- miss as he d r o v e pa s t his place of business. C h i e f Wright said Hosier, who was reared in Jamestown but moved away a few years ago, has a long list of crim inal convictions and current ly is tan parole f r om a bur g l a r y charge originating in Springfield. The c h i e f was to have f i l e d breaking and] e n t e r i n g charges a g a i n s t Hosier T h u r s d a y in Xenia Municipal Court. E x t e n s i v e d am a g e was caused to the stolen car when Hosier was unable to nego tiate a curve about four miles north ofJamestown at the 100 mph clip and the car flipped into the ditch. Hosier only was bruised. He was treated by Dr. R. L. Haines, James town, G r e e n e County Jail physician. Hosier is being held in the county lock-no.
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