The Greene County Guardian, November 29, 1956

THE GREENE COUNTY GUARDIAN WASHINGTON SLOW-DOWNS IIIIIOI Ml L School Light Sought Here A part-time traffic light at the junction of State 72 and the Charleston pike at the Y fronting Greeneview High school app­ ears in the offing today. But an effort to hang two slow-down lights on US 35 east and west of the inter­ s e c t i o n of Limestone and Wa s h i n g ton in Jamestown apparently died a'homing. J ame s t own Lions were to discuss financing of theschool light and decide whether to push t h e pro je c t at their Tuesday evening meeting. T r a f f i c Engineer Robert’ Dunivan of the state highway • department appeared before the village council at Mon­ day's meeting to explain the department's stand on erect­ ing new traffic l i ght s . He appeared at the re quest of V i 11 age Clerk Dean Sesslai who had sought the inform- ion at the instigation o f the Jamestown Lions Club. Edward Irons, a director of the Lions Club, appeared be­ fore the council to explain that club members believed the light a safety necessity because of the large number of students crossing at the in­ tersection. At present, a stop sign blocks the Charleston pike and 72 is a through route. Ironssaidthat Lions thought the light should be on during s c h o o l hour s and special1 events. The traffic e n g i n e e r ex- > plained that the state's de- ■sire "do awa y with l i g h t s i f at all possible, " but gave an unofficial o p- inion that th e s t a t e would probably approve this add­ ition. Cost estimates for the new ' light ranged f r om $600to twice that figure. The v il- ' l a g e , or o t h e r agencies would have to bear the cost of installation, Dunivan ex­ plained. Any v i l l age official can sign the formal application for the light, Dunivan said. After that is received in the Middletown office, a traffic survey will be necessary be­ fore a decision is reached. But a mo v e add two lights on Jamestown’s main east-west thoroughfare app­ eared doomed. "Additional lights are not a cure-all, " Duni van told the council. "In fact, they frequently cause additional accidents. " If the state approved add- j ition of the lights - - and Dun- j ivan doubted that they would —that state would insist that they be synchronized so that i f *a mo t o r i s t hit the first light green he would be able to make all the green lights if he maintained a certain rate of speed. The council took no formal action on either of the pro­ posals and referred the school light question to Irons who said that he would bring it before the Lions club. Needed at the school inter­ s e c t i o n would be a three- way light that would allow through traffic on State 72 while traffic was halted on ithe C h a r l e s t o n road and vice-versa. When the light was not in full operation it would have to flash caution to 72 m otorists and red to C h a r l e s t o w n travelersto eliminate confusion. Green Thumb Sets Bazaar A bake sale and bazaar is on tap for m em bers of the Dayton &Southeasterr Lines, Inc. Jamestown We Welcome To Our Commun ity the Greene County 6 UARPIAN ' W IISON v .. Heating .. Spouting ... Conversion Burners ^ SERVICE 2 Dial 4-5581 16 N. Limestone St. Jamestown Clifton Green Thumb Club when they meet Dec. 11 at rfiehomp, of Mrs. Ralph Ero*t. 1 At the last meeting, at the homeof Mrs. Joseph,Finpey, J r ., the club members com ­ pleted plans for beautifying die Clifton school Mrs. Paul Rife was assistant hostess for this meeting. A demonstration on how to plant and care for African violets was given by Mrs. C. E. E c km a n and Mrs. Lee in your tm marketplace Do you have anything to sell, trade ,rent? Be our guest in the classified columns of The Greene County Guardian phone45091