The Greene County Guardian, November 29, 1956
THE GREENE COUNTY GUARDIAN WASHINGTON SLOW-DOWNS IIIIIOI Ml L School Light Sought Here A part-time traffic light at the junction of State 72 and the Charleston pike at the Y fronting Greeneview High school app ears in the offing today. But an effort to hang two slow-down lights on US 35 east and west of the inter s e c t i o n of Limestone and Wa s h i n g ton in Jamestown apparently died a'homing. J ame s t own Lions were to discuss financing of theschool light and decide whether to push t h e pro je c t at their Tuesday evening meeting. T r a f f i c Engineer Robert’ Dunivan of the state highway • department appeared before the village council at Mon day's meeting to explain the department's stand on erect ing new traffic l i ght s . He appeared at the re quest of V i 11 age Clerk Dean Sesslai who had sought the inform- ion at the instigation o f the Jamestown Lions Club. Edward Irons, a director of the Lions Club, appeared be fore the council to explain that club members believed the light a safety necessity because of the large number of students crossing at the in tersection. At present, a stop sign blocks the Charleston pike and 72 is a through route. Ironssaidthat Lions thought the light should be on during s c h o o l hour s and special1 events. The traffic e n g i n e e r ex- > plained that the state's de- ■sire "do awa y with l i g h t s i f at all possible, " but gave an unofficial o p- inion that th e s t a t e would probably approve this add ition. Cost estimates for the new ' light ranged f r om $600to twice that figure. The v il- ' l a g e , or o t h e r agencies would have to bear the cost of installation, Dunivan ex plained. Any v i l l age official can sign the formal application for the light, Dunivan said. After that is received in the Middletown office, a traffic survey will be necessary be fore a decision is reached. But a mo v e add two lights on Jamestown’s main east-west thoroughfare app eared doomed. "Additional lights are not a cure-all, " Duni van told the council. "In fact, they frequently cause additional accidents. " If the state approved add- j ition of the lights - - and Dun- j ivan doubted that they would —that state would insist that they be synchronized so that i f *a mo t o r i s t hit the first light green he would be able to make all the green lights if he maintained a certain rate of speed. The council took no formal action on either of the pro posals and referred the school light question to Irons who said that he would bring it before the Lions club. Needed at the school inter s e c t i o n would be a three- way light that would allow through traffic on State 72 while traffic was halted on ithe C h a r l e s t o n road and vice-versa. When the light was not in full operation it would have to flash caution to 72 m otorists and red to C h a r l e s t o w n travelersto eliminate confusion. Green Thumb Sets Bazaar A bake sale and bazaar is on tap for m em bers of the Dayton &Southeasterr Lines, Inc. Jamestown We Welcome To Our Commun ity the Greene County 6 UARPIAN ' W IISON v .. Heating .. Spouting ... Conversion Burners ^ SERVICE 2 Dial 4-5581 16 N. Limestone St. Jamestown Clifton Green Thumb Club when they meet Dec. 11 at rfiehomp, of Mrs. Ralph Ero*t. 1 At the last meeting, at the homeof Mrs. Joseph,Finpey, J r ., the club members com pleted plans for beautifying die Clifton school Mrs. Paul Rife was assistant hostess for this meeting. A demonstration on how to plant and care for African violets was given by Mrs. C. E. E c km a n and Mrs. Lee in your tm marketplace Do you have anything to sell, trade ,rent? Be our guest in the classified columns of The Greene County Guardian phone45091
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