The Greene County Guardian, November 29, 1956

ARRIVED WITH GEARSHIFT, Retiring After 25 Years Twenty-five years ago Dora L. Fields became fire chief because he could shift gears. It was the c o mmu n i t y of Jamestown t h e n a n d a new red Reo Speedwagon pumper was soon to be rolling into the fire house. The then fire chief, Macy Bolenhad never driven a gear shift vehicle before and the prospect of handling the for-, midable Reo led him to de­ sign. And thus the gear shift led to the appointment of Fields to fire chief and a qua r t e r century a b l e service to th e citizens of this area. A quarter"century that will probably end the first of the year when Fields' resignation becomes effective. He sub-, mitted his resignation to the | Lions. Plan Yule Fete Committees t o the Jam^s-I t own Li ons Club’s annual Christmas decorations con­ test were to have been named this week. This year's event will be climaxed by a visit | by Santa Claus to the town's youngsters on Dec. 22. .Two divisions--home and commercial- -will be judged this season. To en t e r , homeowners or | businessmen n e e d o n l y t o ■ purchase a balsam Christmas tree from the Lions Club. The trees, which range in price from$1 to $5, will be on sale in three locations: at the rear of Can's Drug Store, at the Hall J. Hill store and at the Adams-Thuma Co. Cash prized will be awarded in both division, Lions Presi­ dent John Reese announced. Light Levy Continued from front page nave r e q u e s t e d a recount on a proposed three-mill levy there. Official vote figures from the Nov. 6 general election showed 300 Jamestown per­ sons v o t e d in f a v o r of the proposal while 289 cast neg­ ative ballots. That, however, fell shor t of the 60 percent majority . Rumors that the levy failed in Jamestown by a one-vote ma r g i n apparently are un­ founded. The proposal here called for replacing the present boule- Murder v ard lighting system in the d own t own s e c t i o n with 10, 700-lumen fixtures simi lar to those now used to light the central business section in Xenia. The proposed levy here a l­ so wo u l d have paid for in­ stallation of three additional lights along IT. S. 35 at the western approach to the v ill­ age. Since few residential prop­ erties in Jamestown are ap­ praised at more than $5, 000, the proposed levy would have added only about $2 to $4 a year on homeowners 'taxes. Continued from front page andCedarville Mayor Morris O. DeForge, it was learned this week. Details of the beating which is blamed for Riley's death are unknown. It was an at­ tempt to learn about the fight wh i c h resulted in th e note and the basis for the murder ruling. D e F o r g e wrote a note to Riley, who was deafened by the believed assault, asking him "Who hit you?" Riley's answer was that "to the best of my k n ow l e d g e " it was "Tom Butts and his wife and someone e ls e ." The Butts couple, according to the Greene County Sher­ iff's office, a g r e e d to take the >ie detector test. They are not under arrest and no arrest ever has been made in the case. Riley was treated at Greene Memorial Hospital in Xenia following the fight and was released. It was on Oct. 5 that he collapsed in X e n i a and was returned to Greene Memorial. The next day he was transferred to the Dayton Hospital in which he died. Montgomery County medi­ cal officials said Riley died of minlngitis, c a u s e d by a fractured skull believed suf­ fered in the figjit Actress Anita Ekberg shows off nearly a million dollars worth of diamonds while vist- ing a New York jeweler. Jamestown v i l l a g e council last week and it is now up to the village and die township1 to pick his successor. Fields says that he will stay on after Jan. 1 i f a new fire chief is not forthcoming, bur he'd like to qu i t as soon as nnnsihle after that. "Twenty-five years in one job is e n o u g h and now it's time for a y o u n g e r man to take over, "the 63-year-old chief said. F i e l d s , t h e ever-present* stogie smoldering between his > fingers, this week looked back over his quarter century and ' recalled the two biggest fires that erupted during that time. One was the blaze that lev­ eled the Fairley H a r dwa r e store. That was a spectacular flashing up about dusk of a summer evening and burning through the night while vol­ unteer fireman from through­ out the county fought to con­ tain the flames. S e c o nd on the big fire list w as the blaze that f l a s h e d through the basement of the Harper drug store, the build- ■ ing where the five and ten now stands. Fields believes that today's f i r e inspection requirements have made a c o n s i d e r able dent in the fire potential in the state andhe has seen these i n n o v a t i o n s constantly cut down the number of fires an­ nually. But he's r e a d y to quit the job that called him almost daily to the fire station, tun­ ing up the tw o pump e r s , keeping the red wagons ready to roll within seconds after the fire klaxon sounds. He'll add his experience by con­ tinuing as a volunteer fire- The gear-shifting red Reo Speedwagon pumper?It's far from retiring, thanks largely to F i e l d s ' care through the years, and s t a nd s ready to fill the breach anytime that it is called. DORA FIELDS...he’s retiring, the truck's not. (Guardian Photo) Lake Tops Million Continued from front page town's MyronR. Fudge, from its inception. T h e r e i s an historical significance. ' | ^The presehreovered bridge JpVferCaesars Creek on th^ New Jasperpike is inadequate for present-day traffic. The one-way span at the bottom of die ravine poses as a par­ ticularJjottleneck to traffic. But the covered bridges are lapsing into limbo. Commis­ sioners hope to preserve the c o v e r e d bridge as a land­ mark. That can be done by using the dam of the lake pro- jecths the road and by lass- ing the present bridge. In the l e g i s l a t i v e "leak" which disclosed the promin­ ent position of the proposal also came word on how much phases of the proposal would cost the state. Land acquisition, a l o n e , will run $450,000. Construction of the dam is estimated to cost $500, 000. Development of recreation­ al facilities a b o u t the lake w i l l run, an e s t i m a t e d $400, 000. This Genuine Maytage wash­ er with the famous Gyrafoam washing action costs Scarcely more than the low­ est-priced vadier you can buy. H0NEV- SAVINS h a v a o Liberal trade-in Easy terms GIBBS HDWE. Once this project is com­ pleted, a lake extending to r o u g h l y within a m i l e o f Jamestown will become the recreation center of an area extending in a 50-m ile ra­ dius from the hub of water facilities. There a r e 600, 000 persons living within a 25-m ile ra­ dius of the lake site, a total of 2, 500,000 persons living within a 50-m ile r a d i u s of die lake. Both g a m e and park offi­ cials are o p t i m i s t i c about the lake's future. The topo­ graphy of the area lends its- self to a beautiful develop­ ment,, both from game man­ agement and n a t u r a l sur­ roundings. T h e d e e p r a v i n e along which the 200-acre lake will b e d e v e l o p e d m e a n s a body of water with consider­ able depth{ Undercut* in die banks, thicK vegetation and the freedom f r om pollutic in headwaters of thelocatio !all lend themselves perfect ly to good fish life. T h a t , i n t ur n , leads beneficial recreation for tb populace^ Real Estate valu in the area already arerisii in reflection of coming dt velopment of the l a k e a i surrounding recreational fa cilities. Classified Ads in the GUARDIAN Call 4-5091 r.iMwt Office - 45911 How• • 45241 “ It casta yea aaSMaf ta mm s is f s rtt ft terete*.* Jamestown, Ohio D ial 4-4911 "SERVING GREENE COUNTY FOR SI YEARS" 6 odLuck 6 U AW IA N AERO SOFT WATER Co Ben & Bud Knecht "Owners _ 5. W. Washington St. Jamestown, Ohio 45911 - 45241 Water