The Greene County Guardian, November 29, 1956

THE GREENE COUNTT GUARDIAN Lo o s e t h e L i on s CHOW TIM&--Members of the Wesley Class of Cedarville's Methodist church prepared the dinner for the last meeting of the Lions club and here's two of them hard at work dish­ ing out onion sauce for the baked potatoes. At left is Mrs. John Pramer and at right, spoon at the ready position, is Mrs. David Reynolds. (Guardian Photo.) ABOUT TOWN Cedarville Jottings Caroline Collins, Bowling Green; J ohn and M a r i l y n Kyle, and Mike Townsley, Ohio State; Sally Kay Cres- well, Miami; Patricia Davis, Ohio Wesleyan; and Nancy Creswell who is attending an art school in Chicago were among students home for the Thanksgiving h o l i d a y s . .. Dr. and Mrs. E. M. Finney and family of Marshallville spent Thanksgiving with his mother, Mrs. E. E. Finney, and o t h e r relatives.. . Mr. j and Mrs. Joe Flatter enter- I tained the Flatter family at a Thanksgiving d i n n e r . . . Mr. and Mrs. Paul C u m ­ mings' weekend guests were Mr. and Mrs. Chester Bernier and son of Detroit and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Randall.. .Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ha r n e r and ........11 ''mmmrnmmmommmmmmmmu Snail’s Pace Is Less Safe Claude Chitty, 76-year-old Bowersville p i a n o tuner, is a driver who probably never saw mo r e than 25 m ph on the Speedometer. Sunday morning, Chitty was coming out of Sycamore into Jamestown's E. Washington street. Dan Murnahan, 25, Kitt's Hill,' was- traveling east on Washington. C h i 11 y ’s auto s t r u c k the Mur nal i an car broadside. Murnahan‘s wi fe, Dori s, 26, and his son, Michael, 2, were treated for mfiior injn-: i. rics. Murnahan’s aut o was pro­ nounced beyond repair. And Mayor Flovd E. Smith fined Chitty $10 and suspend­ ed court costs Monday night when he p l e a d e d guilty to failure to yield the right of way. Chitty estimated he was go­ ing 10 mph when the acci­ dent occured. Mrs. Lucy T u rn e r Worthy Matron o f C edarv ille OES Mrs. Lucy Turner today is the new Worthy M a t r o n of f a m i l y and Mrs. Marietta Boot h we r e Thanksgiving guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Fe r g u s o n at Mount Plea­ sant. .. Mrs. Bertha Ferguson entertained at a family din- f net for the Fe r g u s o n and S t o r mo n t families.. .Mr. and Mrs. Willard Barlow and son of Columbus and Mrs. Aden Barlow of C e d a rville were Thanksgiving guests of Mrs. Lottie Reed at Clifton. Following that, Mrs. Barlow went to Columbus to spend the we e k e n d with her son and daughter-in-law... Mr. and Mrs. Douglas C u 1 1 i c e and son spent Thanksgiving Mrs.E.R. Biggs at Xenia.. Miss AnnaVaughan spent last j1 week with Mr. and Mrs. Hil- .mar Grimm at Columbus. . . Mrs. Mae Bird joined them , in Co l umb u s Thursday fori Thanksgiving.Miss Ma r y Bird spent Thanksgiving day with Mrs. Walter Condon... Amo n g students home for the holidays were Janet Gor­ don from Oh i o S t a t e and J a c k i e I i l l i c h from Mi­ ami. . .Mr. and Msr ami. ..Mr. and Mrs. John Mills were Thanksgiving day guests of Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Vanzant in Sabina. The Rev. and Mrs. Fred Bull of Washington, Penn., spent a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Bull... Doris AnnReynolds and Ollie Ritenour, student nu r s e s at theBestheda hospital in Cin­ cinnati, spent Thanksgiving with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Reynolds and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ritenour.. Mvl and Mrs. Carl Ritenour... Mr. and Mrs. Robert Noble and children spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. William Zarbach and son in Yellow S p r i n g s . . . Mr . Charles Townsley is recovering from» an operation at the Wilmer clinic of the John Ho p k i n s hospital in Baltimore and af­ ter his release from the hos- i pital he will spend sometim pital he will spend some time with his brother Ira and fam - ily near Ba 1 1 i m o r e . .. Mr. and Mrs. James Wisecup and son Phil of P i qu a spent the holiday with his parepts, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Wisecup. Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Huffman spent Thursday with Mr. and he Cedarville Eastern Star [ c h a p t e r . She is aided by ' Amos F r a m e as Wo r t h y Patron. T h e new l e a d e r s were named at a meeting Monday night to succeed the retiring leaders, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Evans. Installation of new officers will be conducted Dec. 17 at 8 p.m. at the Ma s o n i c Hall. Following the instal-; lation, the remainder of th e ! slate of officers will be filled: by appointment. WSCS at HARNERS Mrs. Tom Hamer’s home will be the site of the Dec. 5 meeting of the WSCS of the Methodist church. The meeting will begin at 7:30 p.m . and refreshments will be served^bv a committee. Reprints of Guardian photos* are for sale at the Guardian? office Welcome To Our Neighbor THE GUARDIAN with her grandson, Rev. aid . M„ Joh„ collen. CO N G R A TU LA T IO N S GUARDIAN . auto repa ir . accessories .SERVICE Stokes Motor Co. i S. Main Cedarville 64021 Congratulations ...on the birth of THE GREENE COUNTY GUARDIAN Your John Deere Dealer The Cedarville Farm Implement &Supply Co. S. Main St. Phone 61781 NEW.. .BRAND NEW.. .Sunbeam electric wife eman­ cipator that frees the little woman from t h o s e poj,-i w a t c h i n g chores. It's an electric sauce pan that is so new that we can not sell it to you because we don't , know the price. But come by and look anyway. Picketing HANET Cedarville Phone 61221 26 Years. . . . .AGO t he first Cummings garage was opened on S. Main street. . . . TODAY, after 26 years, Cummings is still serving the people of Cedarville and the surrounding area. ...RECENTLY, Mr. Walter L. Cummings was honored for 25 years of service as a Chevrolet dealer. ...TODAY, Cummings Chevrolet, an inde­ pendent dealer, and its 6 employes offer the most complete garage service in the area. ...AND today’s 1957 Chevrolets are a great advancement over the first Cummings Chev­ rolet sold,a 1930 two-door sedan purchased by the late Mrs. John Tobias. ...BUT Cummings’ principal product during .this quarter century has been service. Cummings Chevrolet Xenia Avenue Phone 6-2071 C e d a r v i l l e •A'-'»•«<$!