The Greene County Guardian, December 6, 1956

THE GREENE COUNTY GUARDIAN Glen Snyder Rites Friday Glen ( Be nn i e ) Snyder, 74, died at G r e e n e Memorial Hospital, Xenia, at 2:30 a. m. Wednesday. He had fal­ len and broken his hip Nov. 22 at his h o m e on Heifner Rd. Mr. S n yder was the son of William andHanie Gray Sny­ der and was born July 13,1882 in Fayette County. He had lived in the Jamestown vicin­ ity since 1940. He was married Sept. 6,1922 to the former Miss L uc i 1le Schlechter. Mr. S nyder was a member of the J a m e s t o w n Friends Church. He is survived by his widow and two step-chil­ dren, Mrs. Melva Strawser of C o l umb u s and Lloyd S c h l e c h t e r of Jamestown; five gr andchi l dr en; three brothers, John of Octa, Lewis of Dayton* and Roy of Edge- field; two sisters, Miss Alta Snyder and Mrs. Iva Zupp- inger of Dayton. Funeral services were to be held at 2p.m. Friday at the Powers F u n e r a l Home in J a m e s t o wn with burial in Jamestown Cemetery. Calling hours are Thursday afternoon and evening at the funeral home. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Berry, Mr. Harley Fite and children from Dayton, Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Kinnison from Green- Village Dads Laud Wright For Capture J a m e s t o w n Police Chief Howard Wright was given an official pat on the back by th e village' c o u n c i 1in en Monday night for his capture of the burglar who staged a s e r i e s of h a r dwa r e store break-ins here. "That's just my job, "Wright told the council. Meanwhile, in Xenia Mon­ day, the admitted burglar, Robert Hosier, J r. , 32, a for­ mer r e s i d ent of Jamestown who now lists his address as Springfield, pleaded guilty to five charges of breaking and entering. Municipal Judge Joseph L. Hagler, J r . , set Hosier's bond at $7, 500 until g r and jury a c t i o n . The judge fixed a $1, 500 bond on each of the five counts. S p r i n g f i e l d police also want Ho s i e r . Ho s i e r told Wright that he had stolen a car in Springfield for each of the five robberies and another one the night he was bagged by Wright after a 100-mph chase b e t w e e n Jamestown and Cedarville on State 72. Hosier overturned the stolen auto he \*.is d r i v i n g when |Wright ar r es t ed h im last 1 Tuesday night. The new S u n d a y School s upe r i n t enden t of James­ town's First Baptist Church, Mr. R. Stickley, ou t l i n e d p l a n s for 1957 as members and f r i e nd s of the church held a covered dish s uppe r and Fellowship Me e t i ng at church Friday evening. A t t e n d i n g were Mr. and Mrs. Bernard K n e c h t, Mr. and Mrs. John Robison, and their d augh t er Marjorie of Dayton, Mr. and Mrs. Free- mont Whittington, Mr. and Goes Over Baptists Program field were weekend guests of i Mr. and Mrs. Daryl Fite and family at their Quarry Road home. Mrs. K e n n e t h K i s e r and d a u g h t e r s , Mr. and Mrs. Russell Garringer, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph D’evo^, Mrs. Ida C l e m m e r , Mrs. Mabelle Hurley, Mr. and Mrs. Robert G a r r i n g e r and daughters, Karen and Jill, Mrs. Homer P e r s i n g e r , Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Church, Mr. and Mrs. Davis R o b i s o n , Mr. Harry L i e u r a n c e , Mr. and Mrs. Paul Garringer and Ruth, Mrs. L i e u r a n c e , Mr. and Mrs. Paul Garringer and Ruth, Mrs. W i l l i a m Jones, Mrs. Lina Church, and Mrs. Rothwell Stickley. New Lights Continued from front page the $5, 220 figure, based on the current valuation figure of $1,529,073 for the village. V i l l a g e at t orney Philip Aultman, however, pointed |out that only very few towns use the entire money voted for street lighting. Some ot the funds could be diverted to other purposes since voters a pp r o v e d the levy on the bases of "street lighting and other operating costs. " Under the plan, there would be four of the flourescen t lights on N. Main S t . , three of them on S. Main S t . , six on Xenia Ave. west of Main and two on Grove St. VALUATION Continued from front page $1,157,660 from public util - ities and $1, 027, 294 from' personal property in Greene County plus $424, 000 fro m Clark Countv. GreeneviewSchoolDistrict's wo r t h t o d a y s t a nd s ai $9, 018, 751, down slightly from last year's $9, 056, 066 according to the county audl itor's f i g u r e s . The current t o t a l includes $6, 267, 860 from real estate, $1, 689, 711 from personal property and $973, 570 from public util­ ities plus $87, 610 from Fay­ ette County. Bowersville village has risen f r om t h e 1 9 5 5 figure of $332, 487 to a current total of $359, 664, including the total of $255, 310 from real estate, $15, 500 from public u t i 1i ties and $88, 854 from personal property. J e f f e r son township stands |at $2, 852, 005 agai nst last j year's $2,908,006. The 1956 figure includes $2, 045, 510 from real estate, $307, 550 f r om pub l i c utilities and $498,945 from personal prop­ erty. New J a s per township last I year was worth $2, 035, 203. |This year the total comes to I $2, 022, 114 - - a slight drop. The current figure includes and $318,794 in personal property. Ross township, which was worth $3, 462, 733 last year, nowhas a value of $3,441,731 from $2, 424, 750 in real es­ tate,$355,950 in public util­ ities and $631,031 from per­ sonal property. J e f f e r s o n School District now is valued at a total of $ 4 , 2 1 6 , 2 3 8 incl udi ng . $2, 926, 850 from real estate : $349, 000 from public util­ ities and $724, 769 from per­ s o n a l p r o p e rty in Greene County ulus $214, 769 from Clinton County. | Drops in property evaluation j e a n b e a c c o unted for, to some extent, by the fact that the county auditor can juggle the figures. This year’s, totals carry the same public u tilit­ ies f i g u r e s as were used in j 1955. Totals given here, for the r. eason o f possible further j o c k e y ing at the auditor’s j office, are subject to revision. The Guardian Phone Number Is 4-5091 Bowersville Kingman Even Mark B o w e r s v i l e J e f f e r s o n brought its season record to an even 3 -3 Tuesday night in whipping Kingman 61-50 at Kingman. Neil Gu s t a f s o n again led the Tigers with 19 points. Jefferson trailed at the half j 27-25, was still b e h i n d at | the end of the third period, 40-38, but maintained more j stamina t h a n t h e host club and came through with the 11-point margin by marking 23 points in the closing can*p. Results: JEFFERSON--Guthrie, 3- 0- 6; Marshall, 2-7-11; Gustaf­ son, 7 -5 -19 ; Hineman, 1 -4 - 6; Brown, 3 -4 -10 ; Williams, 2- 2-6; Ferguson, 1-1-3; To­ tals, 19-23-61. KINGMAN--Arledge, 9 -4 - |22; B r own , 1-0-2; Batson, j 2 - 0 - 4 ; H o w e l l , 0 -2 -2 ; ; Thompson, 6-8-20; Totals, ; 18-14- 50. Jefferson's reserves topped |the Kingman seconds 37-35. Christmas shopping can be fun when i t ' s do ne at one place which c arries a com­ plete line--personal gifts, T O Y S , household items, T O Y S , m a jor appliances, TOYS , gifts for the male, and more T O Y S . For FREE Prizes to be given away Sat ur d a y , Dec. 2 2 . . . No thing to Buy--Just R e g i s t e r ! | ^MlRfiO 1